Sean's Half: Anti, Darki, and Now...

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The show was over and I think there was a hidden message with that game in there. There was so many things that happened that resemble what I had done so she must of gotten the letter. So she felt the same way? My mind worked as I walked over to her, "hey Sadie, that was a cool game."
She turned to look at me, "oh, thanks Sean." She smiled, "did you find out what my hidden massage was?"
My pale face felt a bit warmer, hoping no red was showing, "I believe I did. Maybe we could talk about it over lunch? In two hours, meet me backstage?"
She grinned, "sure thing tomato face." She turned and left.
"Damnit!" I whispered loudly pulling out my phone and went to camera and selfies mode. My face was so red, I really was a tomato and I didn't need anyone to see it. I looked around, Mark and the group was distracted with their fans. I ducked into the backstage area. I stayed there for five minutes before Mark began calling my name, "Sean? Sean! Where are you?"
I looked at my face, it was still a bit colored but it was presentable, "I'm backstage, Mark!"
Mark came in, pulling the curtain back. I stood up, "is there something wrong?" His face wasn't very assuring.
"Um, yeah. Sadie's missing, but we have an idea... it's not good." Mark said, his voice cracking a bit. He was a full grown guy, voices don't crack at this point of their lives.
We made our way back to the hotel, Felix or better known as Pewdiepie came with us. I was anxious to find her, I was really excited to have our date-- I mean hang out. Mark came in and closed the door. I was jumping leg as I sat down, my energy was bundled up and I didn't have my equipment so I couldn't let it out in a video.
"As you guys know, our friend Sadie is missing. I found this in my search..." he handed a bloodied paper and gave it to Felix first. Then I saw it, rage built up in my gut.
HELLo. AnTi, DaRki, aNd SomEoNe NeW,wE hAvE yOuR lITTle fRiEnd. iF yOu wIsH tO sEe hEr sTilL... hErSelf. MaRk, FeLix, aNd SeAn yOu WiLL cOmE tO tHe dOcKs UnArMeD aT 7. DONT BE LATE, FilThy MoRtAlS. - AnTi
I threw the paper to the floor, "we have to save her, Mark!"
"We will, but we need a plan --"
"Mark, we can't risk her life." My judgement was probably impaired but I couldn't stand the fact that she was with those creeps. But what did he mean by, someone new?
Mark grabbed my shoulders, looking me in the eyes. His expression changed a bit, looking into my right eye.
"What is it, Mark?" I asked, my accent thickening because of my stressed state
"I have no idea what you just said, but..." Mark trailed off pulling out his phone and made it selfies mode. I grabbed the phone gently and moved it clover to my face. My eyes are normally blue, the right eye was getting tints of green in the iris.
"I think this is AnTi's way of saying, let's make sure you don't back out..."
Mark turned to the two of us, "okay. Let's come up with a full proof plan. Now he's going for Jack, no telling when I'll be targeted by Darkiplier! Here's the plan--"
Mark's words were suddenly distant and non existent, a neon green light powdered with black shot at my sight. Everything's black. The first thing that comes into my head is, I'm BaCk, dIrtY fIltHy MoRtAl!

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