Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

I start to head in the direction of my dorm, when Emery appears next to me.

"Hey babe! How are you feeling?"

"Not that awesome." I reply.

She doesn't question any further, just nods her head. "So there's this pretty wild party going on tonight. Wanna come?"

After I just witnessed some guy's death? "No thanks."

"Well that sucks because I ain't taking no for an answer." She loops her arm through mine and drags me down the hallway opposite the one that goes to my dorm. I try not to laugh at her southern twang that had come out just then. "You shouldn't dwell on the negatives. This will get your mind off things."

As we walk, a few people stare but Emery ignores them. "So, any cute guys catch your eye yet?" She asks, grinning.


"Who is it?" Emery exclaims, jumping up and down excitedly. When I don't reply she tugs on my arm harder and continually begs until I can't stand it.

"Alright! Alright. Nathan is okay looking I guess."

"Nathan Barnes? The werewolf?" She asks and I nod. "Oh girl, you've got it coming."

"What? Why?"

She looks in my eyes and then glances down with a smirk. "No reason. Now, what did you say to him when you met him?"

"Nothing really. He didn't talk."

"I guess he is the strong and silent type. Most people bow down to him and Wyatt." She says thoughtfully. "But I still can't believe you didn't say anything!"

"What should I have said?"

We stop walking and she turns me towards her so she stares right into my eyes. She lowers her voice and says, "Nathan, you big strong wolf-human thing. I know the boogeyman thinks you'll jump out of his closet, but I think you're- Hey, are you listening to our private conversation Marcus?" She ends in a shout. "Yeah, that's right. Run."

I laugh at her while I watch the poor kid book it down the hallway. "There is no way I would ever say that to him."

Emery shrugs as we continue walking. "Fine. Don't take my advice. But at this pace, you will never go out with him."

"It's been two days!"

"And you should've had him wrapped around your little finger by yesterday!" She counters.

I sigh while trying not to laugh at her uncontrollably.

"So where are we going exactly?" I ask as she continues to half drag me down the hall.

"To see my dear twin! I think he would love a visit from you."

"And why's that?" Austin was definitely not the 'visiting' type.

Emery rolls her eyes. "Because he needs a new friend." She says as if its obvious. "And since I approve of you, he can be friends with you."

"Oh, I see. You are that control freak sister."

Emery stops abruptly. "How do you know my code name?" She glances around nervously. "Who have you been speaking to?"

I laugh as her act disappears. She grins back and gives a curtsy. "I aspire to be an actress."

"Well your definitely up there." I say still chuckling.

She giggles and pulls me into the boys common room.

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