hi ✌

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Hi my name is Zoe. My star sign is libra. So i can easily tell everything about a libra.
If you wanna know :-
☆what they like
☆what they want
☆what they give
☆what they take
☆what they hate
☆what they think
☆when they cry
☆ why they cry
☆why they ignore
☆why they are ignored
☆what they wish for
☆and what they get
☆what is love
☆what is hate
☆when is libra a total sweetheart
☆when is libra a bitch
☆what they praise
Etc etc
Then this is the right place
Btw if you are a libra then plx vote or commet thankx !

( btw plx ignore my grammetical and spelling mistakes)

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