[Lauren; 12:32PM] That'd explain it all.

[Camz; 12:33PM] I wasn't sure whether I should brought it up, butttt....

[Lauren; 12:33PM] Where's the butt? I see butt!!!

[Lauren; 12:34PM] Just kidding, what's up?

[Camz; 12:35PM] Very subtle of you lol well, you mentioned you live in Miami.

[Lauren; 12:35PM] Yes?

[Camz; 12:35PM] It's super creepy, but same here.

[Lauren; 12:36PM] No way! I dialed quite a number hahah

[Camz; 12:36PM] Yeah, you sure did, Lo. (I thought I'd give you a nickname as well)

[Lauren; 12:36PM] Thank you?

[Camz; 12:37PM] You're very welcome. So, any plans for the rest of the day?

[Lauren; 12:37PM] Well, now that I know you live in the same city as I do, I thought of searching for you ;)

[Lauren; 12:37PM] Nah, not really. Obviously curing my hangover.

[Camz; 12:42PM] I thought it wasn't that bad?

[Lauren; 12:43PM] Well, yeah. But it's still there

[Camz; 12:43PM] Okay, is there anything I can do to make it slightly more tolerable?

[Lauren; 12:44PM] You're cute (: you're making it easier just by texting me, it's distracting me from the headache and all

[Camz; 12:44PM] you've already said it ;) for real? I'm happy to 'hear' that lol

[Lauren; 12:45PM] Have I really?

[Camz; 12:45PM] Yeahh

[Lauren; 12:45PM] Well, I must mean it then..

[Camz; 12:45PM] How possibly could you tho? We're talking, if I can even call it that, for the second time in our lives, and you most likely don't remember the first one haha

[Lauren; 12:46PM] It doesn't matter to me

[Lauren; 12:46PM] I meant it

[Lauren; 1:04PM] You still there, Camila?

[Camz; 1:09PM] Sorry, had to do something

[Camz; 1:10PM] And I mean it when I say you're very charming lol

[Lauren; 1:10PM] Charming is my middle name ;)

[Camz; 1:11PM] Humble, too, huh?

[Lauren; 1:11PM] Obviously! LOL

[Camz; 1:11PM] :)

[Lauren; 1:11PM] What about you, though? Do you have any plans?

[Camz; 1:12PM] I plan on spending the rest of the day at the place I'm at right now, to finish the book I'm reading.

[Lauren; 1:38PM] And may I ask where you are? What are you reading, btw?

[Lauren; 1:38PM] I'm sorry, had to force myself to eat something...

[Camz; 1:39PM] Aw, poor you. I'm in the park. Betty Smith's 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn'

[Lauren; 1:40PM] It's okay (: oooh, classical, huh? I love this one.

[Camz; 1:40PM] You do?? All my friends, okay..correction: my friend mocks me for reading all these books.

[Lauren; 1:40PM] Well, you enjoy it, don't you?

[Camz; 1:40PM] It's one of the very few things that are able to make me feel better.

[Lauren; 1:41PM] And that's what matters (: read as much as you wish.

[Camz; 1:41PM] Thanks, Lo :)

[Camz; 1:41PM] You've officially become one of the few 'things' that make me feel better

[Lauren; 1:41PM] That made me think you're even cuter.

[Camz; 1:42PM] You're probably the only human being who thinks so

[Lauren; 1:42PM] That's impossible, my dear

[Camz; 1:42PM] You're being charming again.

[Lauren; 1:43PM] I doubt there's ever a time when I'm not charming, Camz ;)

[Camz; 1:43PM] You're making me doubt that now as well

[Lauren; 1:46PM] Camila

[Camz; 1:46PM] Lauren?

[Lauren; 1:46PM] Holy crap

[Camz; 1:47PM] What's going on??

[Lauren; 1:47PM] Oh sweet baby Jesus

[Lauren; 1:47PM] Um are you by any chance a brunette?

[Lauren; 1:47PM] Fuck I'm sorry, it's really creepy.

[Camz; 1:48PM] Would you still consider it creepy if I, in fact, was a brunette?

[Lauren; 1:48PM] I'll consider it less creepy if you tell me you're wearing a blue-ish t-shirt and black jeans.

[Camz; 1:48PM] Well, I am.. it's scaring me lol Lauren, what is going on?

[Lauren; 1:49PM] Holy shit

[Lauren; 1:50PM] HOLY SHIT, CAMILA

[Lauren; 1:50PM] There's a chance I'm currently looking at you from my house?

[Camz; 1:50PM] Whaaat?

[Lauren; 1:50PM] Do you trust me?

[Camz; 1:51PM] I mean, you know... hypothetically? Unless you're an old prick hiding behind one of the trees and stalking me

[Lauren; 1:51PM] I'll be right back

[Camz; 1:52PM] Tell me!!!1


[Camz; 1:55PM] I'm freaking out

[Lauren; 1:59PM] I didn't even need to search for you, I found you after all.

[Lauren; 1:59PM] Look up.

[Camz; 2:00PM] Holy shit, your eyes

[Lauren; 2:00PM] Holy shit, your face

[Camz; 2:00PM] Holy shit, you

[Lauren; 2:00PM] Okay, you won.

[Camz; 2:01PM] Hide that phone of yours and come greet me properly

[Lauren; 2:01PM] Yes, ma'am.

"Hey, Charmer."



a/n be careful who ya texting ;) lol no, seriously. be careful about that, i know way too many stories definitely worse than this one. 

came up with an idea for this a couple of days ago, thought i'd write it down and show you guys. hope you liked it :) 


Mom? ~ Camren one shotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora