Chapter 6

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"Damn, its cold" Seiko rubbed her gloved hands together.

She and Naomi had agreed to go shopping to the mall, but the disadvantage was that the snow was making this journey harder. Naomi pulled down her hat over her forehead, it was at least below 0 Celsius.

"Yeah, but at least we get to spend some time together, right Seiko?" Naomi said, looking over at Seiko. Seiko smiled. "True dat!" She yelled, making Naomi giggle.

After a bit of more walking down the snowy white street, Seiko decided to break the silence. "Hey, Naomi?" She asked, looking at the slightly taller girl.


"Do you..know about the paranormal investigators coming today?" Seiko asked nervously, playing with her thumbs as they walked. "Oh, mom told me this morning" Naomi said, thinking about what her mother had told her this morning while she was eating her breakfast and Seiko was in the bathroom.

"So, we're both not human...what should we do?" Seiko asked, not having a plan in mind, well, there was that plan that Morishige said that might work, but they could get tracked...and Seiko wouldn't want that, so scratch that.

Naomi thought for a moment, placing a hand on her chin in the process. "I...don't know, but lets not worry about that now, lets just go have our fun" Naomi said, and smiled brightly, patting Seiko's head. Seiko decided not to go against it, and Naomi was right, it was their time to have fun and stop running.

Finally entering the mall, they shopped, gossiped, laughed, joked around, the things they used to do before everything had not gone to shit, but, through it all, they had fun.

Leaving the mall with lots of shopping bags, they gossiped when suddenly they heard a loud scream come from behind them. A man, all in black, ran past Seiko, holding a woman's bag, pushed Seiko to the ground with hard thud, also grabbing Naomi's shopping bag and fleeing down the street through crowds of people.

"Tch" Seiko wiped her mouth, before standing up, and running after the man. "W-wha?! Seiko! Come back here!" Naomi's yell could be heard from miles away, as Seiko exposed some of her vampire strength, running inhuman like.

The man looked over his shoulder, and nearly screamed at the scary sight of a girl, who looked only 16, was catching up to him at inhuman speed. Finally catching up, Seiko tackled the man to the ground. The man stood up straight away, dropping the bags, and took out a knife from his pocket.

"D-don't come any closer, girly, just let me leave with my goods, and no one will be hurt" He threatened, waving his knife about with a shaky hand. Crowds of people gasped and watched the scene before them.

Seiko didn't say anything, she just sprang forward at him, striking him in the head with a punch. Although he had been hit, the hand grasping the knife had made its way into Seiko's side, stabbing her hip.

Seiko winced, but didn't scream. She finished him off with bone crushing kick in between his legs. He fell to ground with a thud, not moving. Seiko then placed a hand on the knife that was stuck in her hip. Getting a good grip, Seiko pulled it out full force, with a little scream of pain, she dropped the knife that was now covered in her blood.

Applying pressure to her wound, she breathed heavily, looking around lazily. And, right on time, sorta, Naomi came running forward, and stopped in front of Seiko, hands resting on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up at Seiko and gasped as she saw Seiko's bleeding side.

"Seiko, what on earth happened?!" Naomi yelled, gripping Seiko's shoulders. Seiko laughed lightly, before frowning. "He..had a knife..and attacked me..." Seiko panted. Naomi examined her wound with a sharp gaze.

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