Chapter 3

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Yuutaro (Seiko's father) sighed, throwing the TV remote down on the coffee table. He looked around the room then at his watch what was carefully wrapped around his wrist. 9:30. He sighed deeply again. Seiko had went out hours ago, saying she was meeting a friend in the woods.

HA! In the woods? At night? What a lame excuse, Yuutaro had thought, but let her go anyway, she hardly goes out of the house, so let her be. But now he was starting to regret it, thinking that was an excuse to go and see a boy...

But really, she was actually was meeting a friend in the woods tonight, Naomi. Naomi had asked Seiko to meet her in the woods tonight, and she complied. Yuutaro had thought wrong, she was meeting a girl. Or she thought she was...


Walking through bushes and walking past the birch, dark woods of the tall trees in the clear night sky. Seiko sighed, what did Naomi want to tell her anyway? And why out here? At night, also.

Walking deeper into the center of the forest, Seiko took a stop to her hike, and huffed. She pulled a water bottle from her backpack and drank it slowly.

"When do we strike?"

"Yoshiki, shut up!"

"What? Was it something I said?"

"Just shut up! She'll hear us!"

"Both of you, shut up! Your giving me a headache!"

Seiko spat out her water and turned towards the loud voices coming from behind a rustling bush. "Who's there?" She asked, but no response came from the bush, which had stopped moving. She knitted her eyebrows together and walked very slowly towards the bush.

Quickly pulling the bush apart, nothing remained in the bush. "Maybe I was just hearing things..?" Seiko scratched her head, before freezing up when she felt movement behind her. Three. Three people were standing behind her, thanks to her vampire senses.

"Did you really hear something, Vampire?" A male voice said from behind her. Seiko regained her composure and slowly turned around.

A shirtless boy with no shoes or socks, dark blue denim shorts and brown hair with brown eyes stood in front of Seiko. But the one thing that stood out the most about him were the long black tattoos going down his arms. Surprisingly, he didn't have much muscles, or biceps for that matter.

"Hmph, are you deaf or something?" A female voice said. This girl also had no shirt on, just a bra, no shocks or shoes, and denim shorts, like the boy, including the inhuman tattoos on her arms as well. She had blue hair which matched her blue eyes, and was tied in pigtails.

"Perhaps she is, Shinozaki. Satoshi, permission to beat her to plump right now, please?" Another male voice said. This voice also belonged to a shirtless boy as well. He had the same tattoos as the others and same clothing style, but this one seemed more muscular. He had bleached blonde hair with grey cloudy eyes.

The brown haired one sighed, taking another step towards Seiko, running a hand through his hair. Seiko gulped, but not in fear. "Your Seiko Shinohara? I've heard many good things about you" He smirked, taking another step.

Seiko took a step back. "What do you want?" She asked the smirking boy, getting pretty uncomfortable already by his presence. The boy licked his lips, shoving his hands into his pockets and sighed. "You can't even smell us, can you? You should know who we are by your sense of smell, Vampire" He looked disappointed.

Seiko seemed taken back by the remark, how did these guys know she was a vampire? She furrowed her brows and took a light sniff of the air. Her eyes widen. It smelled like wet dog.

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