Chapter 23

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"I should get up." I said to myself when I heard Isaac on the baby monitor. I got up and shuffled to him. I picked him up and walked to the kitchen, warming up a bottle.

He quieted down when I sat down with him waiting, his diaper was still clean so yay me I didn't wake up to a dirty diaper. Aaron was coming by this afternoon to see Isaac, he comes by as much as possible and looks after him here . Isaac was now about 3 months old, he is adorable.

He had his dad's eyes so every time I looked at him I felt a bit heartbroken to know how things ended but it was too late.

Everett came down the steps, we were still staying with him-Everett said that we should wait to move back until he is 6 months old.

"Morning" he yawned, he came over to Isaac, ruffling the light hair that started to show.

"Morning" I greeted.

"I'm going to make breakfast then I have to go to the office for an interview with new journalists."

I nodded and wiped Isaac's mouth when he spit up.

"We'll be fine, Aaron is coming by this afternoon." Everett didn't say anything, he concentrated on making breakfast. After we ate and I put Isaac back in his crib where he fell asleep, I dressed and started some work. I work half days now and do most of my work at home, it's just better with Isaac.

After lunch there was a knock on the door, I quickly grabbed it before he knocked again and Isaac would wake up.

"Hi" I said softly. He looked different, I didn't know why but I couldn't help but check him out. He had nice fitting jeans on and blue chequered shirt which made his blue eyes stand out. It's been exactly a year and 2 days and 4 hours since I had sex...not that I was counting.

After Isaac was born I didn't really have the time for that.

"He's still sleeping" Aaron walked in.

"I also want to talk to you." He smiled at me, his dimples showing. I forgot how much I loved his smile.

"Yeah about?"

"Us. We ended badly, I know and it's my fault. We could never work out , this I know too but...we can try for Isaac and ...because I still love you and I can't live wondering what could have been."It took me a moment to comprehend. He wanted us to try again.

I didn't know what to say, instead he kissed me and the idiot I was ,didn't stop him. Instead my hands rested in his hair and he pulled me closer to him by the hips. Our kiss was passionate and heated,our tongues danced together, he bit the bottom of my lip slightly, making me moan.

We stumbled into my bedroom, I pulled away from him.

"Wait a second." He frowned, I walked over to the crib , Isaac was sleeping soundly and I had the baby monitor on. He slept for about 7 hours last night so he has about 8 hours to get in today. Hopefully it would be for the next hour before he wakes up again.

I pulled Aaron into the room; he looked at me with a smirk. He kissed me again, I wrapped my legs around his torso as he pushed me against the wall, I pulled away gesturing for him to be quieter. He chuckled, his dimples laugh I missed so much. He walked to the bed, dropping me down .

He kissed me slowly, his lips trailing kisses down my chest.

I pulled his shirt over his head, he pulled off my sweater and shirt. His hands trailed down my sides and skilfully pulled off my bra, I tried to keep quiet when his mouth melted over my breasts but I couldn't help a small whimper escaping. My fingers rested on his belt buckle.

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