Chapter 16

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My world came crashing down when Alex said that it'd be better if we broke up. I love her so much so I wasn't going to give up on us so easily. When Caroline told me that she was pregnant I thought that she was lying but after she showed me a sonar scan dated a day earlier and the slight bump she had forming confirmed my fear.

I wasn't going to go back to her and that's why we had a big fight, apparently I MUST go back to her since I am the father of her child. I laughed so hard when she said that, of course I'll be a part of the child's life and be there for them, I'm going to be the best father I can but I will under no circumstance go back to Caroline.

Her whole argument was that because of her miscarriage years earlier that our relationship started crumbling and because of the baby we could build up our relationship again. I didn't want a relationship with her , but I had to have one with her for the baby's sake. It will be a purely friend-like relationship.

I was finally free from a marriage that I was suffering in and I'd be damned if I redo what I fought so hard to undo.

The whole weekend I felt I couldn't breathe, I had the weekend off thankfully because how would I face her brother. I knew why Alex said what she said and I understand, I was going to be a father to another woman's child , even if I was going to be a father I'd like to have Alex by my side and one day have children with her.

She needed space to get used to the idea but if I could explain to her that I wasn't going to go back to Caroline and that the baby was not going to influence our relationship she'd understand. In fact when the baby is born Alex could help me look after him/ her, she could be a mother. I think that's what scared her, realising that our future together would include Caroline and the baby.

Alex would always be my top priority next to the baby, Caroline said that if I wouldn't be with her then I at least need to pay child support, I agreed to that and that Caroline would have most of the responsibilities to the baby, she wanted to raise the baby alone after I declined our reunion, I would still be a part of my child's life .

Today was the start of a new week, I started rounds earlier this morning to avoid Daniel but I was going to see him just before we have a surgery. After rounds I sat in my office reading the new medical journal I got . My door swung open and my expected nightmare appeared. Daniel stood at my door, looking rather angry.

"How could you! She's my sister." He pushed me back against the wall with his arm on my throat. I didn't fight back.

"She had to let you go because you fucked up things, she had to hurt because she didn't want others to get hurt. She left you because she thinks it's for the better but it's not!" He released me, I fell to the ground.

"I know, I made the mistakes, I made her hurt-I love her so much." He chuckled bitterly.

"You have a funny way of showing it,getting back with your ex and sleeping with her." I glared at him as I stood up and dusted myself off.

"It was before Alex and I were together, I'm not getting back with Caroline."

"You're not?" I shook my head.

"We have an agreement, I'll be there for the baby when needed but she doesn't want me to be a permanent feature." Daniel's face softened and a slight frown formed on his face.

" She thinks you're with Caroline again for the baby's sake, she didn't want to take you away from your child." I shook my head.

"I love her and when the baby arrives I'll still love her, Caroline doesn't want me to act like a dad she just wants my money." Daniel placed both his hands on his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine, I plan on getting Alex back."

"You haven't lost her yet." I smiled as Daniel left,I had to figure out how to talk to Alex again to explain, she wouldn't answer my calls and she wouldn't answer if I went to her apartment-I have tried this.

I grabbed the file and walked over to the nurse's station to page Dr.Riviera to go over my surgical plan with him, we had a tumor on a hear that we'd be removing. I waited for Dr.Riveira , in the hall I could see Dr. William Wright walking to me, he was a tall burly man with dark salt and pepper coloured hair and blue eyes, the same as Alex. I could almost hear the 'Jaws' music in the background as he neared me, closer and closer.

I duck my head into the file slowly trying not to look at him,I felt a pang of guilt hit me.Guilt because he didn't know that Alex and I were together and because even Daniel was keeping it secret from him. He stopped in front of me, I looked up and smiled awkwardly, the chief of staff doesn't just come up to you without a reason.

"Good morning Dr. Wright."

"Morning, can I talk to you in my office quickly?" I nodded and told he nurse to send Dr. Riviera to my office when he gets there.

I followed him as he entered his modern office. He gestured for me to sit down, he sat down on the other side of his desk.

He studied my face and folded his hands together.

"You've been working here for about 7 months now and I haven't even properly welcomed you. As our long standing tradition goes it is customary that we have a dinner to welcome you. Since it's almost time for our Christmas eve party , we'll be holding a small dinner tomorrow,just before Christmas." I gave him a half hearted smile. Dinner with the boss doesn't seem like a good idea but I couldn't not go.

As I walked out of his office to mine I felt a mix of emotions.

-Next day-

I was pacing back in front of my mirror , I was already dressed and since I had some time to spare before the dinner I started going over ideas how I was going to talk to Alex. I tried calling her again but it was not working so I hope that Daniel mentioned our conversation to her.

I drove to the restaurant , as I entered there was a table with all the head of departments gathered around and the chief sitting at the head of the table.I sat down beside a colleague, keeping my pose. There was a short toast before people chattered away , I made small talk with Kevin and Christian (my close friends) I sipped on my wine tediously surveying everyone- they all seemed to be at ease around the chief yet I on the other hand wasn't so comfortable.

I excused myself sometime later to the bathroom, on my way to the bathroom I bumped into someone, when I saw who it was my heart skipped a few beats.



"Aaron? What are you doing here?"

"I...we have a dinner here."

" I came to bring my father his wallet he forgot when he left."

"I need to talk to you Alex, you must hear me out." I pleaded, tears were forming in her eyes but she kept her pose nonetheless. I continued telling her about what Caroline said and what our arrangement was, trying to explain that the baby would change nothing and that Caroline just wanted to make sure I'll pay child support and that our relationship was over. Forever.

She looked at me wordless when I finished explaining.

"I...I" I pulled her against my chest, she didn't fight it instead she rested her head against my chest, closing her eyes. Even if I haven't seen her in just 3 days,it was 3 days too long without the other piece of my heart not with me.

"I love you so much Aaron, I didn't want to leave you but I thought it would be better if I'm not in the way, if you wanted to be with her again." She sniffled against ,my chest and I rubbed her back. She looked up at me, her tears fading.

"I'm sorry." I kissed her on the forehead.

"It doesn't matter now because I love you and I'll always love you."

"You love her?" The deep voice sounded from beside us making us both jerk up and release from each other , looking up I saw it was Dr. Wright ,her father. Oh shit...

A/N I love this song so much, all I can say is goodluck Aaron... :)

Oh and did you get that joke? No? Dr.Riviera..Nick Riviera from the Simpsons

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