sixth - splattered

Start from the beginning

"And why would you suddenly stop walking out of nowhere? Of course, you'd be bound to crash into the people walking right behind you!"

He narrowed his eyes. "Even if I stopped, you would've seen it and stopped as well. Why, were you too busy enjoying your sweet 'hot chocolate'?"

Her eyes turned into slits, and she took a purposeful step towards him. She jut her chin up in the air, and said, "No, I was too busy giving the biggest jackass in school what he deserves."

Whispers and dramatic gasps filled the room, and Louise's lips curved into a smirk. Uriah balled his fists on his sides. Just then, another girl with long, brown hair appeared into his vision. He recognized her as Louise's best friend, Alison.

She clutched her angry friend's arm, and tugged. "Lou, come on. We need to get you cleaned up." Louise opened her mouth to say something, but Alison slightly glared at her as a sign to shut up and listen.

With a sigh, Louise allowed her friend to drag her away. And this sobered Uriah's shocked state. He couldn't let her have the last word and go. No, this couldn't be it. He felt Isaac grabbing his arm as well, and before he knew it, he blurted out vehemently, "Pathetic bitch."

Within a second, Louise whipped her head around, and gave him a straight look. A look that honestly made him tense a little. He felt bad as soon as it came out, honestly. He knew he shouldn't have said that, but his pride overcame his conscience.

"What did you just say?" she asked with a tone that had an edge, her eyes cold as ice.

However, he still stood straight. A victorious smirk started to form on his lips as he repeated, "You're a pathetic bitch, Santiago." He watched her clench her jaw, and knew that he finally hit her in the spot.

Isaac chimed in, reaching out for his shoulder. "Uriah, stop it. That's enough already."

Ignoring him, he continued talking arrogantly to Louise, "Why, can't take a single insult?"

In one swift motion, she threw the remaining of her drink at him, and the crowd erupted into shouts of amusement and surprise. Uriah's jaw dropped at the impact, and he has his eyes shut tight. The drink wasn't as hot as before, but it still stung. Everything about this stung. His ego. His reputation. It seemed like no one was on his side anymore. How could they anyway, after he made a complete idiot out of himself in front of everyone like that. This was preposterous.

And just like that, in that moment, he knew that things wouldn't be the same anymore.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Louise smiling smugly, and her head held high. "Better wipe off that smirk, Walter."

Just as she was striding out of class with Alison beside her, she threw her empty cup over her shoulder. It landed right in front of Uriah's feet. When he glared down at it, he let out a frustrated grunt, and he kicked it away angrily.

Things definitely weren't the same anymore.

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With his feet propped up on his desk and ankles crossed over each other, Uriah tensely rolls his regular blue ink pen in between his fingers with furrowed eyebrows.

"Okay, Piper, listen."

"I am listening," she deadpans, lazily sweeping her gaze over him. "I have been for the past fifteen minutes."

He ignores her, and continues playing with his pen subconsciously as he admits, "I'm not sure I can control myself when I'm with . . . her."

She arches an eyebrow. "What do you mean, control?"

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