Chapter 5

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Warning! The end of this chapter gets a little violent... Okay. Violent and just plain cruel. It might not be wise to read the flashback if you have a weak stomach. For the rest of you ... you have been warned.


We all traveled to Lord-knows-where Utah and started roaming around town. We eventually found an old building with a 'for sale' sign over a faded 'Fasbear family diner' sign. We snuck around back to the rear entrance and found a door, heavily rusted around the hinges. Freds looked a but frustrated and began to pull on the door. After a couple of yanks it was confirmed the door was locked. I decided to stop Freds before he yanked the door so hard it came off of its hinges or worse, bent the lock.

"Freds wait!" I shout.
"What! I'm trying to get the door open!" He shouts back. I hold up a couple of paperclips and pull a Bobby pin out if my hair.
"Lock pick. I know how. Move your butt." I say. He nods in understanding and moves. After a minute and a half of fiddling with the lock I get it to unlock. I test it with a couple of pulls and find the deadbolt is also locked. I promptly get to work on that as well. After another five minutes a resounding click is heard and I once again pull on the door. It opens slightly so I pull again. It opens more. I give it a firm yank and it opens fully. Then the smell hits us. We all cover our noises in sync. It smelled... I can't describe it other than hell on earth. Freds looked through the door checking out the area before pulling out a flashlight and turning it on. Dust covers the floors and there are rust-red stains on the walls and floors.
"Dang. It's worse than when we last were here." I jump when I hear Foxy's voice behind me. I turn and see four if the nine animations behind me. Foxy, Chica, Bonnie, and a teen with brown hair, brown eyes, a brown suit, and a mini black top hat which I presume is Freddy.
"Where are the others?" I ask.
"They are fine. They are just watching to make sure no one is around." Chica replies. I nod and we all head in. We are in a room none of the four animations recognize which Freds presumes is the safe room. A room not programmed into the robot's schematics. We open the other door in the room and exit into what Bonnie calls the 'East Hall' I look to my right and see an open room with reinforced windows and an open metal door. I also see a broken light above it. To my left I see a wide open space with tables and chairs. Some lined up, some strewn haphazardly across the area. We head to the open area and I finally pinpoint where the smell is coming from. The kitchen and the parts and service room. I decide to look around. I see a stage with the curtains open and in the corner, closed purple curtains with an "Out of Order" sign in front of it. We investigate further. After checking out all of the rooms except for the Bathrooms, Kitchen, and parts and service rooms Freddy and Freds decide to see if the power will turn on. We hear a whirring sound and notice only a few light turn on. Most are broken leaving us in dim lighting. Freddy and Freds come back upstairs.
"Old generator. The old gas is probably going to burn out in a few but at least it's on. We look around. The rust-red spots is just dust-covered paint and the place looks a bit better with the lights on. Chica looks at the windows and doors, all heavily boarded up.
"This seems a bit excessive to keep people out doesn't it?" She says.
"Yeah." We all agree. We notice the kitchen is lit up like Christmas then hear a loud Thump from the parts and service room. And Oliver lets out a blood curdling scream before falling to the ground and backing up as quickly as he can. Everyone panics and I look at what made him scream. The door to parts and services is open. Inside I faintly see a dulled suit. A golden Bonnie soaked in long since dried blood. It's eyes are glowing red and it's twitching heavily. I catch glimpses of torn purple cloth and rotted skin. A strange substance oozes out from the joints. It locks eyes with me. I feel it's gaze burrowing into my soul. Then after what feels like an eternity it looks at Oliver. Then I hear him speak for the first time. His face streaming tears.
"No. No. No no. Nonononononono. Not you. No. Not you. Not you father." He says crying hysterically. We are all shocked and he passes out a few moments later.
"Father? What the hell did that mean?! It that thing in the suit his father?!" Foxy shouts. Freds looks at the thing then at something on the floor and all of a sudden turns as pale as a ghost.
"Vincent Jeremiah." He whispers. It strikes fear in all of out hearts. Including mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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