Chapter 3

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I start to wake up feeling the train move.
Wait. Train?
Then I remember. I was with Foxy and he told me he knew of someplace safe. I don't know why I trust him... It just feels like I should. I open my eyes and realize I fell asleep withy head on Foxy's lap. I see blue skiny jeans in front of me. Mangle.
"Hey, sleepy head." She says as I sit up. The puts a finger over her lips and I notice Foxy's slow, steady breathing saying that he is asleep. I smile and gently sit up. Mangle is also watching him sleep. She gives me an 'Isn't he cute?' face. I nod. Then the train goes around a bend and Foxy's head lands on my shoulder. Mantle and I burst into a fit of quiet giggles. "So how much further?" I ask. Mangle looks as the sign indicating the next stop then at her map.
"Another couple of hours." She says. I nod. Mangle seems to be a bit jealous of Foxy laying on my shoulder like that. "Switch?" I ask. She nods eagerly and we switch places. We remain silent most of the way and Foxy wakes up about an hour and a half later. Noticing Mangle and I switched places.
"So she blackmailed you into switching with her?" He asked. Mangle and I look at each other and burst out laughing. Foxy looks very confused.
"No. She just gave me puppy eyes." I say after finally calming down enough to speak.
"Did not." Retorts Mangle. I give her a sly grin and she gives me a weird look before Foxy starts to tickle her. We all sit there laughing for a few minutes and calm down. I notice a blonde girl looking at us and her eyes widen before she comes over.
"Foxy, Mangle?" She says.
"Oh! Hi Cherry!" Says Mangle. I look back and forth between them, confused.
"Mind if I sit here?" Cherry asks indicating the seat next to me.
"Sure..." I say trailing off. She sits before speaking again.
"I'm going to introduce myself since it is obvious neither of the pirates have said anything about me. My name is Cherry. I am like you in the sense that I am also one of the five kids. My animatronics are the old and new Chica models. And speak of the devils." She says as two blonde twins walk up. Both have similar outfits. One is in a orange tank top with black shorts and black knee-high boots while the other is in a yellow tank top with pink shorts and the same knee-highs.
"Hi Foxy! Hi Mangle!" The one in the brighter outfit chirps happily. The one in orange looks at me.
"You must be Shinobu." She says sitting next to cherry. I nod. The other sits next to Foxy and snuggles up to his arm, earning a glare from Mangle. Foxy looks a bit uncomfortable with the attention.
"T.C. I think Foxy would appreciate you not hanging on him like that." Cherry says. The one in yellow- I mean T.C. - gives a mock pouty-face and lets go. Foxy lets out a relieved sigh.
"Now arriving at-" I hear as the train slows down and Mangle quickly stands up followed by the rest of us.
"Here's our stop!"she says and we all walk to the doors. As they open we all step outside.
"Welcome to Salt Lake City Utah!" Mangle says excitedly. I look around marveling at the sights. We just came from Nebraska. And I have never seen such tall mountains in my life! Foxy gives me a light slap on my back.
"You are drooling. Let's go tourist." He says and I shoot him the evil eye. I follow the group to an abandoned building just like the ones I used to climb and we enter the building.
"Hey Cherry, we are going so you take care if the Shino-wolf okay?" Mangle says. Cherry sighs then says okay and the other four run off to lord knows where.
"Don't worry. They do this all the time, but they are always close so you can call them when you need them." Cherry says noticing my slight anxiety. We climb up a few floors and we see a small fire on the 5th floor with a blonde boy sitting in front of it.
"Yo Y.B.!" Cherry shouts and the boy looks up. A smile crosses his face and he runs over engulfing Cherry in a big hug. He let's go after a couple of moments and gives me a curious look before he smiles and lets out a small giggle then hugs me. He motions for us to follow him and we do so.
" Y.B. doesn't talk much if at all so he communicates through facial expressions and emotions. Just to let you know." Cherry informs me. I nod. It makes sense... sort of. I notice something out of the corner of my eye and look. It is a yellow bear suit with a missing right ear sitting limply in the corner.
"That is Y.B.'s animatronic. He has a unique one since it never had a toy version and stayed empty most of the time. He can control the suit on it's own and its endoskeleton separately. Golden Freddy -the suit- is the only one that does not have a human form, though, Y.B. can swap places with himself or another person with the suit. So I'm sorta jealous." Cherry says. Y.B. must have heard because, All of a sudden, the suit is right in front of me and Cherry is in the corner, walking into a wall.
"Oliver!" She shouts and Y.B. - aka Oliver - has a 'who, me?' look on his face. Next thing I know, Oliver switches places with the suit and kisses me on the cheek before swapping back and running from Cherry. I blush still feeling where Oliver kissed me. I see Cherry and Oliver on the floor wrestling, well, more like Cherry tickling Oliver, and I burst out laughing and after that we all start laughing.
It was a great night.

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