"You can't sleep forever, you know."

"I wish I could." He sits up, pulling me to him. I cuddle up next to him, and he kisses the top of my head.

"Come on, you have to get out of bed. Caleb's coming home today."

"Oh, right." Tobias gets up from the bed and pulls me up too when I hold my arms out.

I hug him, and then peck his lips. "Ew, go take a shower," I say while pushing him out the door. I go downstairs and jump to the couch. The TV was already on, so I just change the channel to Bravo. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills happens to be on. The front door opens halfway through the episode, and I turn around to face the door.

Caleb is there, taking off his sneakers. I jump off the couch and run over to hug him.

"CALEB!" I yell, jumping on him.

"TRIS!" he yells back, at the same volume, right into my ear.

"Ow. How's Stanford?"


"Did you finally get a girlfriend?" I ask while wiggling my eyebrows.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Yes, I did. And she's here." He turns to a girl in the foyer, and grabs her hand. "Tris, this is Amanda. Amanda, this is my little sister, Tris."

"Hi, it's really nice to finally meet you," she says while letting go of Caleb's hand and giving me a hug.

"It's nice to meet you too," I smile.

"Caleb, can you help us with these bags," Dad says, bring in a few travel bags. Caleb goes to help our parents, and I'm feeling awkward standing in the foyer with my brother's girlfriend. Thankfully, Tobias then comes downstairs and puts his arm around my waist.

"Who's this?" he asks, referring to Amanda.

"I'm Amanda, Caleb's girlfriend."

"Oh, I didn't know Caleb had a girlfriend."

"Uh, yeah."

"Amanda, this is my boyfriend, Four." Tobias kisses my cheek and I smile.

+ + +

I'm sitting criss–cross on the couch next to Tobias, who has his arm over the top of the couch. Caleb comes over and jumps on us. He laughs, and I push him off, onto the floor.

"Hey! That hurt!"

I shrug, "Sorry." He gets up and moves to the other side of the couch where Amanda is sitting. "Should we go now?" I whisper to Tobias.

"Yeah, it starts in a little bit," he whispers back. Zeke and Uriah are having a party tonight, just like old times; old times in high school. Tobias and I get up from the couch and walk to the kitchen where Mom is making dinner.

"Hey guys," Mom says when we enter. "What do you need?" She wipes her hands off on a towel.

"Uh, Zeke and Uriah are having a little get together tonight, and we were planning on going. So we were just going to tell you that we won't be having dinner here and we'll most likely be back sometime tomorrow."

"Ok, thanks for telling me. Have fun." She smiles and we leave the kitchen. "Oh, wait. Don't go yet." We go back into the kitchen. "Do you guys mind bringing Caleb and Amanda?"

"I don't know, Mom."


I sigh. "Fine."

Tobias and I leave the kitchen again, and stop in the living room.

"Get up, guys, you're coming with us."

"Where?" Caleb asks.

"A party, where else?"

"I don't know."

"Exactly." They get up and we all go into the garage. We get into my car, Tobias and I up front, Caleb and Amanda in the back. I open the garage door and back out of the driveway.

+ + +

We get to Zeke and Uriah's house and park along the street. The loud music they're playing can be heard from a mile away, almost literally. We go inside and find Zeke and Shauna standing near the stairs. Tobias and I give hugs to the two of them.

"You guys remember Caleb, obviously. And that his girlfriend, A-" Zeke cuts me off.



🌸🌸🌸 A/N: Hey guys. Sorry it's taken a while. Jeez, I say that almost every chapter. So anyway, huh, huh, what'd you think of the chapter? Hm? 😂 Guess what I did to my phone. About a week ago, the first time I dropped it on actual concrete, something on the inside breaks, so I can't see anything, I can hear stuff and it vibrates, I just can't see anything. So yeah I haven't had my phone for about a week, which makes it difficult to write, because I always write on my phone. And then my brothers just totally took apart my phone, so now I'll never be able to use it. I literally kept everything on my phone. EVERYTHING. anna🦄💫🌸

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