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"Do you, Jordan Hayes, take Skyler Dawson as your wife?"

"I do," I said.

"And do you, Skyler Dawson, take Jordan Hayes as your husband?"

She looked up at me with a faint smile. "I do," she repeated.

"You may now kiss the bride."

"Alright, cut! There will be no kissing! My job as a dad is hard enough!" Skyler's dad called. The lights dimmed and Skyler and I stepped apart with a laugh, letting out our bottled up emotions and laughter.

"So, Dad, any special reason that you're making the video be of a wedding?" Skyler asked with a teasing smile.

Mr. Dawson shot her a wink. "Everyone loves that cheesy crap. What better way to make them like me?"

I laughed and raised my eyebrows. "Okay, someone needs to tell me exactly why we're doing this. I was bribed with chocolate and bacon, and I have no clue what's going on. All I know is I've been handed a script and we are apparently being filmed."

"Well, you see," Mr. Dawson started. "I'm trying to get a job as a producer for this little local T.V. show, and they want a video as a sample of my abilities. So I went for the idea of a wedding, because like I said, everyone loves the cheesy stuff."

I shot Skyler a menacing glare. "You owe me more bacon for getting me into this mess," I threatened.

She nodded and turned to her dad with a smile. "Dad, someone's getting into the cake," she pointed out.

His eyes grew horrified and he hurried away. "Why'd you do that?" I asked.

"Cuz he said no kissing," Skyler said simply before reaching up and giving me a quick kiss. I smiled into her lips with a soft laugh before I twirled her, trying to look innocent as Mr. Dawson returned.

"Skyler, don't give me that look, we don't even have a cake. You two are in big trouble," he huffed, mumbling as he moved to find another light or something. "I'm not ready for this, her in that stupid wedding dress. Shoulda stuck with comedy."

Laughing, I turned to Skyler. "So, would now be a good time to leave for our honeymoon in the exotic McDonalds?"

A/N: Ooh, not the cheesy epilogue you were expecting, was it? Yeah, those are completely overrated. And completely overused, I should know.

Well that was kinda a short story, but i just wanted to try something different. I'm normally the person who wants to write about people with perfectly happy lives, so this was a little of a stretch for me. I know it's not great, but it's a start.

Thanks for reading, and tell me what you thought maybe :)

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