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Now I am walking a fine line here as I don't want anyone to read this and think I'm slating the people who make Wattpad what it is - the readers. I'm not. Without readers this site is basically an overstuffed filing cabinet where we're able to upload and store our writing. In WP land the readers rule but all too often, they don't utilise the unique ability to actually connect with the author and let them know how the story is being perceived.

I'd have to say that 99% of the people I have encountered on this site are both authors and readers, so they should know better. It's so frustrating (as a writer) to have people read but not know what they think of your work. You find yourself doubting everything from your plot to your title. 

Readers, don't be afraid to let the author know what you're thinking. If you don't like something tell them, but be gentle about it, explain why you don't like it / what's not working for you. The same goes for if you're enjoying the book. You don't have to write an essay, just a few words to say, yes I like this, I like X character / the plot / the dialogue / the title. 

If you really don't want to comment, but you are an avid reader of the book then vote. It lets your author know that you like their work without much effort on your part.

Now go. Read. Vote. Comment. Enjoy :)

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