How long is a chapter? What about a paragraph?

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Well, how long is your shoelace? How tall should a tree be? How much sugar should I have in my tea?

It's up to YOU! (Yup back to subjectivity I'm afraid)

A chapter should be as long as it needs to be to convey the plot and character developments for that part of your story. If it's one page, its one page - if it's ten pages, it's ten pages.

I get annoyed when I constantly see the advice, "you're chapters are too long" slapped around. Please, people who have given this advice, tell me where is states that a chapter has to be X pages long.

I spit feathers each time I see someone proudly exclaiming that they won't read anything over five Wattpad pages long... So that rules out pretty much EVERY novel ever written then.

As the author, you get to decide what happens in your book so you get to decide what happens in each chapter. Thus, you choose the length of your chapter! Besides no matter the length you will always have someone complaining that the chapter length was too long or too short. You can't please everybody so you might as well please yourself!

Which leads me to the paragraph complaint. Same rules apply. Your book, YOU decide. If the reader can't handle more than three lines in a paragraph, that's their problem. Sure, space out the text for the sake of making it easier to read on screen but for crying out loud, sod the people who whine about a paragraph that is five lines long!

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