Chapter 18: A Bittersweet Homecoming

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AN: This is the last real chapter for BRS, but it is on the shorter side.

Thanks for the input on the last chapter! Keep it up! Let me know what you think about this one!

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Copyright © 2013 Bree Eischen


18. A Bittersweet Homecoming


Cody, Brooke, and I had been home for a whole day, and we were extremely exhausted. Of course, Simone and my dad thought it was really odd that the three of us got home from our trips together, so I came up with the best possible explanation I could. I had to make excuses both for Brooke coming home with Cody and I and for Evan not being around at all.

"Brooke called us in tears one day saying that Evan had dumped her for some other chick when they were in Florida. Cody and I were on the way back from Pennsylvania since we only felt the need to spend a day there, and we told Brooke the closest major city we were near. She hopped a plane to Columbus, Ohio, and we picked her up there. Now we're back here," I had explained the evening we returned.

Upon hearing the story, Simone had come over to her daughter and hugged her tightly.

"Evan was no good anyway. He didn't deserve you, sweetie pie," she had said, pecking her on the cheek.

Brooke had cast a glance over to Cody and I, smiling sadly.

We all knew what she had to have been thinking.

Simone had had no idea…

"And you're lucky I didn't call the FBI to try to look for the three of you when we received no phone calls to keep us up-to-date on your whereabouts," my dad had noted.

"But then I explained to him that Cody is adult, and you and Brooke are nearly adults yourselves and that means we have to treat you as such and trust you a lot more," Simone had cut in, putting her arm around my dad's waist.

Again, the three of us had shared a look, but I think we all had appeared to be relieved that time.

So a week afterward, I found myself lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. With so many thoughts going through my head of what had happened to me and to Brooke, I couldn't make sense of any of them. I had seen and learned so much that I wasn't sure of the truth anymore despite anything I believed originally.

But then I realized something…

Jake said he would protect us. He promised, but that didn't happen. He obviously got away along with the rest of those blood-sucking monsters, and I didn't know if I would ever be able to forgive him for putting us in danger.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my bedroom door, disrupting any of the thoughts that had just been running through my mind.

"Come in," I said, sitting up.

Brooke came through the door and closed it behind her.

"Can I talk to you, Lily?"

Despite Brooke being much nicer since our time at the Black Rose house, I was actually rather surprised that she wanted to talk to me at all.

"Of course, Brooke. Come sit down," I said, patting the spot on my bed next to me.

"I had a…dream last night, Lily. It was more of a nightmare, really. I saw him above me…Evan…he says he's coming back for me…" She began sobbing, and I rubbed her back to console her.

I didn't speak and just let her cry. Once she calmed down slightly, she continued to talk.

"I know it’s just a dream, b-but I can't help but think that it's some sort of premonition or something. Like, I'm being showed what's to come. He's still inside my mind. I'm so scared, Lily."

I rubbed her back.

"If he comes back, we have Cam to protect us." I didn't know if I even believed myself with what I was saying to her, but it was the only idea that popped into my head. I had to give her some kind of hope. "He'll make sure that those vampires get away from us again. He'll help us."

"I hope so, Lily. I want a good night's rest again."

Silence ensued for a couple of minutes as Brooke continued to sniffle. I took that time to observe her, disbelieving that a mere few days before, she was a complete and utter bitch to me. Now she was dissolving in my hands, and I felt the need to keep her together and sane.

Then, she spoke again suddenly.

"I'm going to admit something to you right now…"

I nodded, urging her to go on.

"I think that I saw how much my mom loved you being a part of our family. Okay, I mean, of course she loves your dad and I'm sure Cody as well, but there was something about the way she talked to you and treated you…like you were her real daughter instead of me."

I was extremely shocked to hear her admit something to me like that. I hadn't the slightest inclination that that is how she had truly felt. Then, she went on.

"Ever since my parents got divorced and my dad completely dropped out of my life, I think I've made it harder for my mother and decided to not really care about anything anymore."

She began tearing up again.

"Your mom told me. Apparently, she noticed the change in you almost instantly. And when you started dating Evan, she wanted more than anything to get you to stop being with him, but she knew you would shrug her off," I explained.

Brooke chuckled a bit, but it was obvious she didn't think anything was funny.

"I thought getting a guy in my life would help me get my mind off of things. I found Evan, and I guess all the crap we did helped my mind wander. I regret so much of it now…"

"I understand. You didn't know his underlying intentions at all so you can't blame yourself for bringing Evan into your life. He was looking for you, searching endlessly until he found you..."


I nodded. "Damien can see into the future and saw that you were going to be my step-sister. So Evan decided to try and get with you so that he could eventually lead you back to the Black Rose house and, in turn, I could go after you and show up there later as well. Unfortunately, their plan obviously worked. They got the necklace.

"And you're not the only one being chased by some blood-sucking demon. Ian wants me…bad. He's been creeping me out ever since I met him at the mall the day we bought our dresses for my party."

"Oh…which reminds me…" Out of nowhere, Brooke left and not a minute later returned with a digital camera. She sat back on the bed and hugged me to her.

"Say cheese," she said, and held the camera up, snapping a photo. After getting over being blind-sighted by the flash but smiling anyway, I asked, "What was that for?"

Out of her pocket, she pulled out two heart-shaped lockets.

"A late birthday present. I'll shrink the photo and put it in both of these, one for you and one for me. I feel like I'm so much closer to you now, Lily, what with what happened to the two of us and all…and I hope we can start over with our relationship."

"You didn't have to do that, Brooke. Thank you so much."

"No problem. Now I heard that everybody's downstairs watching a movie. Do you want to go join them?" she inquired.

"Sure," I agreed with a whole-hearted smile.

And we got up to go downstairs and join the rest of our family.

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