Chapter 11: The Girl All The Boys Wanna Dance With

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Copyright © 2013 Bree Eischen


11. The Girl All The Boys Wanna Dance With


A week came and went in a blur for me. It seemed like the weather added to my miserable attitude since it rained and stormed for five days straight. I got overly depressed like I had never been before.

Molly had called on Saturday afternoon wanting to know if I had gone out on a date with Cam yet. Due to what I had witnessed with Jake a week before, I had completely forgotten about Cam since all of my thoughts were consumed by the frightening sight I had seen.

I told her he hadn’t called yet and that I was just going to let it happen when it happened. She thought that was stupid and I should be seizing the moment and calling him first, blah blah blah. I tried to just wave her off and change the subject. She did so but not without a bit of force on my part. Eventually, Molly did let the Cam thing go and began talking about how Faye and Alex Sullivan were getting pretty serious. I was happy for her. Faye deserved that.

I felt bad that I purposefully ended the call with Molly so abruptly after that. I humored her and told myself to just talk to her for that amount of time, but my thoughts were too jumbled up in my mind to pay any attention to what she said.

By that Saturday afternoon, I had finally gotten that long-awaited call from Cam.


“Hey, Lily. It’s Cam.”

“Oh, hey! How are you doing?”

“Good. How about you?”

“Pretty good. What’s up?”

“I thought we could go out on that date tonight.”

“I’d love to!”

“Great! I was thinking we could grab some pizza and go to a movie downtown. Is that cool?”

“Of course. When should I be ready?”

“Does six sound good?”

I told him six was fine with me and gave him my address. Apparently, he lived down a couple streets so he knew exactly where my new house was.

After we both said our goodbyes, I tossed my cell phone onto my bed and glanced at the clock on my nightstand. It was already 4:30. I didn’t have much time.

I left my room to go and find my dad, figuring he might be relaxing in his and Simone’s bedroom. The door was halfway open, and I noticed he was watching a baseball game between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Chicago Cubs on the huge flat screen right above the windows in front of the four-poster bed on which he laid.

My dad, Cody, and I had always watched baseball together. The Phillies were naturally our favorite team and we’d go to a game or two every summer. I think that if I hadn’t played softball a little bit when I was a kid, my dad and I would have had nothing in common while I grew up. Cody didn’t have a problem in that department since he had always centered his life around baseball anyway.

I knocked even though the door was pretty much open to let my dad know I was there. He looked over and smiled when he saw me.

“Hey, Lil. Look! The Phillies are playing the Cubs and we’re up one in the bottom of the second.”

“That’s awesome!” I said, walking over to him.

“What’s up?”

“There’s this guy that I met at my party a couple weeks ago and I kind of agreed to go out on a date with him tonight. So is it okay if I go?”

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