Chapter 1: Seventeen Years Later

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Copyright © 2013 Bree Eischen


o1. Seventeen Years Later


I had never truly realized how much life could suck. I mean, why in the world did I of all people deserve this shitty life? And trust me…it hadn’t been peachy. Granted, I had great friends that I would do anything for, and I even ended the second semester of my junior year of high school with A’s in every one of my classes. My seventeenth birthday was just around the corner, too.

So what were the negative aspects of my life, you ask?


I grew up with no mother figure, I had no boyfriend of which to speak, my dad had gotten remarried last Christmas, I gained a nasty, backstabbing slut of a step-sister as a result of that marriage, and I was in the process of moving away from my loveable Pennsylvanian hometown to some stupid, upscale Chicago suburb.

Now I know you feel my pain.

Therefore, to temporarily keep my head from thinking about the rather horrible situation at hand (horrible to me, at least), I decided I would spend the rest of that gorgeous late Saturday morning with my two best friends that I would be leaving behind in just less than a day. Sure, I could have been assisting my dad and older brother, Cody, with moving all of our things that hadn’t been sent away to Chicago in a moving truck into my dad’s SUV and Cody’s beat-up old Mustang, but where was the fun in that? It would only remind me of what was about to come: a life full of being amongst disgustingly rich people, living in a massive three-story house, and having to share my dad with other people besides Cody.I was used to weekly family trips to the local ice cream parlor, staying in with my friends on Friday nights and watching a marathon of scary movies, and living in a quaint, two story house…

Whatever. It’s not like I had a say in the matter anyway.

Let’s just say that I was relishing the time I had left with my friends at that particular moment. They were doing an excellent job at distracting me from thinking about, well, anything really.

I mean, Molly Johnson and Faye Brooks proved to be a hilarious combination. That was simply because Molly was a quirky, five-foot-four girl with dark brown hair and eyes to match. She wasn’t necessarily the smartest person I knew since she was in all the regular classes at school and maintained a solid C average. She was also probably one of the most boy-crazy girls I had ever met in my life.

Faye, on the other hand, was the complete and total opposite of Molly. She was a more serious, five-foot-nine girl with long and curly golden blonde hair and forest green eyes. She was the smartest girl of the three of us and took nothing but honors and AP classes, topping off the whole “smart” look with her stylish designer glasses that she always had perched on the top of her slender nose. It was like her signature thing. And, unlike Molly, she didn’t seem to see all the possible joys in having a boyfriend to call her own, which had naturally made Molly adamant at finding Faye the perfect guy to dissolve the stubbornness she held for our male counterparts. Unfortunately, Molly said that there was really no guy that would be able to handle Faye as of yet, but she was still determined to find our best friend that special someone.

And me?

Well, I was somewhere in the middle of my two crazy friends: a five-foot-seven girl with a long mane of jet black hair and bright green eyes. I was smart for the most part, and I had even had my fair share of boyfriends, but none that I felt were keepers.

“…You are so like that, Faye, Don’t even try to deny it. I swear to God…Okay, you know what? We really need to get you laid as soon as possible. Seriously.”

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