Chapter 3~ Dream, and Shadows.

Start from the beginning

Sophie trailed off, shuddering as she recalled her most recent and definitely most nerve-racking dream. She strained to remember what else had happened in her dream.


There was smoke everywhere, and a man's screaming voice could be heard in the background, calling desperately for help. Sophie's ice-blue dress flowed in the cool night air as she searched for the source of the calls. She looked around, every-so-often calling for the person. As she walked on, rain picked up. It was soft at first... a little drop here or there; but not much. As Sophie continued, the droplets fell harder, until she had to hitch her dress to thighs to be able to walk. She was barefoot, the mud squishing between her toes, already having stained the hem of her dress. The voice called out a name, clear and beautiful as ever. She recognized it as her name, and it was attached to a voice she knew too well to deny.


She called back happily, running towards the voice, her adrenaline picking up as she ran through the trees. Further and further into the depths of the woods she ran, the mud sticking and spraying up her calves. Twigs slapped her face, and yet she continued; a yearning to see Jack like a burning fire in the pit of her stomach. She came to a stop, only to catch her breath for a moment when she heard them. The shadows. And they were all over. Everywhere, in the trees the air, all rushing in the direction she stood. Without a moment's hesitation, Sophie climbed the tallest and closest tree she could find, the skirt of her dress getting caught in the branches. Sophie yanked on the skirt, ripping it to her right thigh. With a grunt, she continued, until she could no longer see anything but fog beneath her, separating her from the ground. She listened closely, ignoring the ragged beating of her heart.

"Help me! Please! Sophie!"

The boy shouted again, but this time it wasn't Jack's voice, but a younger version of someone she knew... Turning her head to the right, she crawled out on the limb of the tree branch, clutching it firmly and peering down. It was a sorry sight she saw; a teenage boy bound to an altar, reaching towards a figure obscured by smoke.

"Please, don't hurt her... My little girl...."

The man pleaded. Sophie's eyes widened.


She mouthed. He went to look at her, only tearing his eyes from the figure for a moment.

"Wait...! No! Don't take her...."

He repeated a name over and over, but Sophie couldn't make it out. Suddenly there was mist everywhere, making it difficult for Sophie to even be able to see her own hands. The voice began to choke and splutter as the fog grew thicker, and soon there was no sound save the gentle dripping of the rain. Nervously, Sophie bit her bottom lip, hesitantly climbing down the tree. She squished into the mud, sinking to her ankles. Sophie could see the altar clearly now, and was drawn to it. Choosing her steps with care, she gently pushed a branch from her face, looking at the altar. It was carved from what looked like stone bathed in glass, shiny yet solid at the same time. Midnight blue pieces glittered from the rock. Sophie peered over the surface feeling its smooth texture beneath her fingers. A rustling sound caused her to jump, and turn around. A figure stood shrouded by the trees, staff in their hands and a hood pulled over their face, casting it into shadow.


Sophie breathed, gliding towards him. She took Jack into her arms, letting his scent envelop her completely, and his arms holding her tight to his chest.


He whispered back- but it wasn't Jack's voice. Sophie pulled away slightly, the scent filling her nostrils not Jack's at all. It smelled bitter, almost like sulfur, but sickeningly sweet at the same time.

"You're... You're not Jack."

Sophie tried to remove herself from this person's grasp, but was held tighter.

"Join me...."

Pitch's voice overtook Jack's; the clothing he wore quickly changing and smoke billowing around them.


Sophie spat. Pitch's younger form twisted backwards, agony and fury infiltrating his expression. Sophie was yanked backwards, held down to the altar, the shadows everywhere, pinning her down, jeering at her, one even nipping at her exposed flesh. Sophie cried out, but this only seemed to egg them on.

"Leave me go!"

She cried. All over her skin seemed to be fire. Her back arched in pain and she had to bite her lip in order to remain silent. Her body seemed to restrict itself, leaving her unable to move. Suddenly the pain was too much and all she saw were the shadows swarming above her and around her. Pitch remained right beside her, helping her up once the shadows calmed down.

"Welcome to the Darkness, my queen. Nightmares suit you."

He said with a sickening laugh. Pitch yanked her to a mirror, and Sophie gasped at what she saw. Her Hair was pulled into a Bun, then loosely billowing down her back in dark waves. A crown situated itself at her hairline, the burgundy braiding seeming to shine with silver in between braids. The ice blue dress she had been wearing was replaced with a strapless dress, much like a corset at the top then flowing down around her like a ball gown. The dark charcoal color seeming to be tinted with dark blue and black. The color of the sky at dusk; when it is not quite night but not exactly twilight either. Pitch stood behind her, his hands resting at her shoulders.

"Your eyes... Sophie. Look at your eyes."

The chaos behind them was oblivious to Sophie as she stared into her now vibrant Sapphire eyes. A fire seemed to emanate from behind her blue orbs. She gasped at the sight. Pitch chuckled.

"I knew you'd be an excellent choice."


Sophie shook the memory of the dream from her mind and looked at Jack. Her mouth dropped. Jack stiffened beside her. Sophie's voice came in a hoarse whisper.

"Me... They... Pitch wanted me."

Just after she had admitted it aloud, a horrible screeching sound came from beneath them and outside, soon followed by a large boom. Jack acted quickly and grabbed Sophie's waist, instructing her to hold onto him. He bolted to the window, staff in hand and Sophie clutched tightly to his chest. Just as he was about to reach the outside the power went out, engulfing them both in complete darkness.

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