Interview with Author: conleyswifey (Nicole)

Start from the beginning

       Heck no! I never once in my entire life dreamed i'd have nearly 14,000 followers, 14,000 people who actually gave a crap about what I wrote! That's amazing :) And it has made me such a better writer because I truly want to please those who have taken time from their days to read what I'm putting out.

Do you believe that Wattpad is a good place to get constructive criticism, and why?

       Yes and no. Some people offer good constructive criticism, however i find that most people either simply say 'loved it' (which is fine by the way ;) ) or they are meanly critical. It's hard to find that happy medium.

I heard that you took down TMB so that it may be edited in so you could get it published - what made you want to publish that particular story, and have you considered publishing any of your other stories?

       Yeah that hasn't gone as planned. My editor has been plagued with personal issues that have kept her from editing the story in a timely manner. I'm probably going to take over the editing myself so I can get it up!  And I would love to one day see almost all my works published (however I still struggle daily with that feeling of not being good enough to charge folks money to read what i'm writing)



Is there a particular genre that you enjoy writing over others, or do you enjoy dabbling into other's as well? Have you ever wrote a story that sent you out of your comfort zone by trying something new - and if yes, what story?

      Historical Fiction is clearly my niche though i've written other stories. The most out of my comfort zone i've gone in a while was 'Breaking Boundaries' because i had never attempted a manxman romance before. I must say thought that it was super fun to write and most people who have read it seemed to like it.

Do you read on Wattpad, and if you do, what type of stories do you read and can you give me some examples or even fellow authors?

        Honestly, i'm not much of a reader! There are tons of good authors on wattpad though :)

How do you overcome what some would say to be "hitting the wall" in the process of writing a story? What would you suggest to those with similiar problems?

       I have this problem so rarely that I honestly have not ever gotten over it once it's occured. It's only happened 3 times. Two of those stories ended up taken down but i'm trying desperately to overcome it with this third one... So far i haven't managed to find the inspiration once again.

I've noticed that you are quite the frequent updater, how do you manage to fit writing around your everyday home life?

        Writing is my PASSION so it's quite easy for me to neglect everything else just so i can write. That means there are days when dinner isn't ready when my hubs gets home, the house isn't clean and the kids are dirty...... such is the curse of being a creative person!



Are you only able to write under certain conditions? Such as, having music playing, or in silence, etc? Any quirky, unusual things that help get the inspiration flowing?

        I can write anywhere at anytime. Though music does seem to help put me in just the write mood for certain situations. Romantic scenes call for love songs and kick butt scenes usually call for some Eric Church :)



Do you read off of Wattpad? And if so, can you name some of your favourite books and authors?

       Like I said before, I'm not muhc of a reader, unfortunately. I spend so much time writing that reading has become something i don't normally take time to do. Though I have noticed in the past that I tend to be drawn to less known authors than i do the big named ones.

What is your general opinion of Wattpad as a whole? With both the stories, the people, and the actual site itself being taken into consideration.

       In general I find Wattpad to be a very good site for sharing stories. There are really good fans and writers here. The site has a few technical glitches that tend to get on your nerves but as a whole it's very nice.

If you could change ONE thing about Wattpad, what would you change and why?

       The glitches! Wattpad sometimes needs to get its act together!



Do you think that when you write your books that you are unconsciously,or even consciously, showing some of your own individual traits and virtues? Or even writing about a character with someone in mind so some of their personality comes across?

      DEFINITELY! My own personality and the personities of those I care about certainly come through in the characters. They are all a mix of some of the best (and worse) characteristics of me folks I know.

And lastly, if you could be any immortal in the world, what would you choose to be and why?

         A werewolf. Why you ask? So I could be surrounded by sexy werewolf men ;)





I have to completely agree with your last answer!;)

But again - thankyou for allowing me the chance to interview you! Good luck with trying to get your work published and keep up the amazing writing. You'll always have a fan in me.

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