Chapter twenty two

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He slowly realeased my hand and I went back at the side of Edward.I felt more secure when he put his arm around my waist,Aro was watching the movement closely.

"It may be a personal question" Aro said walking around us "But... why are you dating Bella?"

"I was"Edward said "I thought that she was the one"

"But you knew that Melody was your soulmate but you continued with Bella"He said watching him.

He is really weird and he scared me...

"She have her boyfriend"Edward said.

That's why...

"So you continued your life with Bella because she have someone"Aro said shaking his head.

"I could  not just go and tell her to break up"Edward said.

So during all this time he loved me,but because of the lie of Tyler of us being back together,Edward was not able to tell me what he was feeling.

"But now Bella knows about us,but you two are not getting back together"Aro said.

"She got someone a werewolf"Edward said hid voice like venom.

"How can I know that she will not tell about us?"Aro challenged.

"She is not that type of girl"Edward said.

Aro smirked.

"You thought also that she was not that type of girl to cheat in relationship"Aro said.

Edward was not realising it but he was squeezing my waist and he was hurting me.

"Edward calm down"I said trying to not shout because of my waist aching.

"I'm fine"He said.

I bite inside my cheek and put my hand on his hand which was on my waist.Realisation washed his face and he removed his hand.

"I'm sorry,I did not realise--"

Aro sigh cutting him.

"Edward you know the rule,we'll be back soon"Aro said.

"I can't do that"Edward said glaring.

"Do what?"I whispered.

Edward watched me and still watching me he said :

"I won't"

And then everything changed,someone attacked him,Edward was trying to protect me from those vampires attacking.

I was watching in horror Edward in pain.

"Stop!"I shouted.

They all stopped and watched it,Alice with sunglasses and something in her head was there.

"She will be soon one of us,I saw it"He gave her hand to Aro.


I was in my bedroom,Bella was on her bed sleeping.I wanted to ask Edward what does Alice make Aro see.

Like you know Alice too have a gift,she can see the future.She showed something to Aro and Aro him was able to see what Alice was thinking.

"You should sleep"He said.

I did not want to,but my body a traitor like it is drown me.

"Yeah,I guess I should"I said.

I went in the bathroom and changed myself.While changing I gasped seeing a huge bruise on my waist.

"Are you okay?"Edward asked.

"Um yeah"I said.

I took a long bath,letting the hot water to remove the stress.

Edward Cullen...Soul mate. {Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz