Falling For The Weasley Twins (2)

Start from the beginning

I stared out the window as I got closer to my doom.  The sun was hidden behind a blanket of grey clouds.  They weren't storm clouds or anything but they covered up the sun.  That's what it was like in England the sun almost never shows.  That's probably why everyone's so pale.  My heart thuded louder than thunder in my chest as I entered the room.

"Hi" I said a little bit louder than my usual whisper.  I hope he hears me...

Fred turns around to face me.  At first he's shocked but he recovers quickly.  I smiled like Massie told me to.  Might as well pretend  I had confidence.

"Hi" Fred said.

Oh my God he said hi to me!  Massie is going to freak out when I tell her.  I decide that if I keep standing there with nothing to say he'll think I'm a weirdo.  I walk to my desk and sit down.  I don't even look at him for the rest of the class just like Massie told me to.  Massie was pretty much the boy expert since she's had more boyfriends than there are days in a year.  Heck maybe even five years.

Fred glances at me every five seconds for the entire class.  George also stares at me too.  I was nervous that they could hear my heart pounding in my throat.  I swear to god I was going to pass out.

"I'm Fred" Fred said to me when Snape stepped out of the room and everyone began their own conversations.

"Yeah, I know.  I'm Emma.  I've been in all of your classes for the past five years." I said.  I tried not to show my sadness but it was hard.  So they really never even noticed me...that's depressing.  I could feel my usual shy self coming back so I quickly made up a distraction and took out one of my Drawing Journal's.  This one was just random anime characters I happen to think of.  I was working on an Emo boy who got his heart broken.

Drawing always calmed me down.  "Woah did you draw these?" I froze.  Fred was leaning over me to get a better look.  I could feel his breath on my neck...

"Y-yeah" I said nervously.

"Mind if I take a look?" Fred asked.

Thank god this one didn't have the twins in it so I let him see it.  His expression changed from a smile, to interested, and finally flat out impressed.

"You're an amazing artist." Fred complimented.

"Thanks" I said quietly.  Uh oh, here comes old Emma again.

"Hey George look at these!  They're amazing!" Fred said.  He handed George the book.

"Woah, who drew these?" George asked impressed while handing the book back to Fred.  My face turned redder than a tomatoe when George said that.  Now two of the twins thought I was an amazing artist.  My heart nearly flew out of my chest.

"Me" I said shyly.

"Could you draw me something sometime?" George asked.

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