Falling For The Weasley Twins (2)

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Chapter Two:

I looked like an idiot.  Everyone was going to think I was an idiot.  I looked at myself in the mirror again.  Massie had straightened my strawberry blonde hair.  It was slightly wavy.  She gave me some contacts to wear so I wouldn't have to where my glasses.  My teeth gleamed white with a charm she used.  She put a light coat of mascara on my eyelashes.  My lips looked plump and pink.  They sparkled.

"Massie I'm not so sure about this" I said not looking away from the mirror.  I did look pretty I guess.  I didn't look like I was trying too hard.  I gotta admit, this is the first idea of Massie's that I've liked.  All the rest of have cost me a few embarrasing moments though.  But what can I say?  She's like a sister to me.  Besides she's my only friend.  Tom thinks I need to be more social.  That's a little hard considering I'm socially challenged.

"You look...wow" Massie said standing back and admiring her work.  She looked impressed.  Her hair for today was wavy.  Massie always had a different hair style every day.  Most people use magic to help them with important things.  Massie uses it to get her hair and make-up perfect.  But she wasn't one of those people obsessed with fashion or anything.  She wasn't vain.  Massie was the exact opposite.

I took in a deep breath and turned back towards the mirror.  "Do you think they'll notice me?" I asked.  I wanted them to.  I've never wanted anything more in my life.  Normally I would have never done this and just tried going under the radar, but today...I felt like I'd been filled with some sort of bravery I never knew I actually had.  It wasn't a lot actually.  Just enough to allow Massie to do this and actually show up like this.

Like I said, bravery is not in my vocabulary.  I was still nervous, don't get me wrong.  Butterflies were having a dance party in my stomach.  Heck they were even inviting their friends.  My palms were all sweaty and my heartbeat was probably going like 60 beats per second.  So many thoughts ran threw my mind.  Positive ones and negative ones.

What if they like my new look?  But that would mean they only like me because of my looks not because of my personality.  What if they don't like this new look?  That would mean maybe they liked me the way I was before, the way I preferred.  What if Fred likes this new me and George likes the old me?  What if George likes the new me and Fred likes the old? 

I sighed clearing my thoughts completely from my mind.  I guess I was going to find out soon.  Potions was in ten minutes.  Which means I have to leave now if I want to make it on time. 

"Mass I better go.  Wish me luck" I called the last part over my shoulder as I decended down the stairs.  I was so nervous it wasn't even funny.  Right now the only thing in my head was if I looked okay.  I know that sounds really stupid but, I felt like I was going to explode.  In five minutes Fred and George will see me like this.  They might even notice me.

I heard a whistle come down from the hall.  The types that boys do to beautiful girls.  I figured it was for someone else and kept walking.  My face suddenly turned red and I shrank into myself.  Why would he whistle at me?  Wasn't like I was much to look at.  I guess now I was.

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