Chapter One: Christmas Eve

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"I'm ho-" Namjoon stopped himself. "Right, he's not here anymore," he mumbled to himself, taking off his shoes and putting them aside.

In the past, he would have just left them where he took them off. Jin hyung would have taken care of it. But Jin hyung wasn't here anymore.

Namjoon let out a sigh. Pull yourself together, Kim Namjoon. No point thinking about what's over.

He collapsed onto the couch and opened the can of beer.

Taking a sip, he looked around at the living room. It had been two months and he still wasn't used to how large and lonely it was.

"Why would you leave me? What did I do wrong Kim Seok Jin?"

Of course he knew the answer to that. Not that Jin had said anything - oh no, he'd been so nice, so caring till the end.

It was his own fault no matter how he looked at it: He hadn't treated Jin the way he deserved; forgetting birthdays and anniversaries.

He would come home late.

He would be drunk even though he knew that Jin hated the smell of alcohol.

When was the last I thanked him?

He wished he could do it now. Thank him. Tell him how much he loved him.

He hit the back of his head against the wall. "Christmas Eve isn't the festival to spend alone, Jin hyung!" he slurred. Fuck low alcohol retention.

Then don't.

"Jin?" Namjoon looked up.

There was no one. Of course, there was no one. It was the stupid hallucinations again.

He threw the can away in frustration. "Fuck you! Fuck you!" he mumbled.



"It's kind of cold now..." Jin mumbled, snuggling to the pillow next to him - only to realize that it was in fact a pillow. Not the person he usually cuddled with on cold days.

He sat up and rubbed his face. Well, not getting anymore sleep tonight.

Pulling the comforter around him, he walked into the living room.

The clock read 0100.

Officially, it was Christmas now.

Wonder what Namjoonie is doing. He shook his head. Ah, no no. These kind of thoughts wouldn't do - they were on their own now. Two different lives.

He looked at the re-furnished living room. After five years of living with Namjoon, he was back here.

"At that time, I'd thought there would be no coming back," he said aloud.

It was true. He'd intended to make this last forever. Namjoon and him. In love. Together. Maybe even married someday.

"Aish, that was a stupid dream."

Stupid or not, he really had wanted that future.

Where did we go wrong, Joonie?

He sighed. No point thinking about it. There was so much wrong in the relationship - on both their sides.

He walked out to the balcony. It had begun to snow gently. His eyes lit up. Joonie would have loved this.

He felt his eyes prickling with unshed tears. He closed them, letting one fall.

"Merry Christmas, Joonie," he whispered.

A/N: Hi hi! If you've this one, here's what you need to know -

1. It's a Christmas fic so I'm going to finish the story by the end of the holiday season
2. One chapter per day until 1st January, 2016.
3. The date the chapter is uploaded is the date on the story.
4. I'll love it if you love it too.
5. I'm really sorry it's so sad. Not really, I love writing sad things but if you feel pain, sorry.
6. If you like it vote and comment and suggest to your friends?
7. Thanks for taking the time to read this one. It's my first attempt at a Kpop fanfic and I'm quite new to this fandom so please do tell me if I make a mistake with the characterisation of the boys.
8. A Very Merry Christmas Eve to you :*

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