Chapter 5

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(Kimberley’s POV)

I awaken, the feeling of somebody tightly wrapped around me, so tight it’s as if I’m in a strait jacket. I open my eyes and am suddenly blinded by the bright light streaming in through the window. I snap my eyes shut, saving them from the sudden brightness. Slowly, I begin to open them again, letting them adjust to the brightness that the room holds within it. I look to my side, and all I can see is a sea of messy red hair.  Nicola is still asleep like a rock, her hair mated down to her pale skinned face. One of her eyelids is just visible enough, showing off her mascara stained lid, she looks like a wreck.

Just wait until she wakes up and is greeted by a lovely hangover, she’ll regret torturing her liver last night. I chuckled at the thought; she’s going to hate herself.

I slowly and carefully untangled myself from her grip, trying my best not to wake her. A soft moan escaped from her lips, as she rolls over, causing the bed sheet to fall from her body exposing her dress from last night.

As I made my way towards the kitchen my nostrils filled with the heavenly scent of coffee.

“Morning babe!” and overly excited Sarah raved as I entered through the threshold of the kitchen.

“Happy hangover, aye?” I chuckled in response; she looked really good even after all she drank last night.

She shot me a smile, “Coffee? I’m about to cook up some grub, I’m starving and Cheryl can’t cook for sh!t, and Nadine is still passed out on the sofa being useless as ever.”

“Yes please, I’ll help you if you want.” I responded as I took the coffee from her hands, my body warming up suddenly at the contact with the searing hot mug.

“Nah babes, you just sit back and enjoy that coffee, Chef Harding is at your service.” She said giving a small bow. “How’s the wee Ginge by the way, she was a right mess last night?”

“Cheeky, Nic’s out like a light. She’s going to have a horrid hangover when she finally makes her grand awakening.” At that moment, I could see a figure from the corner of my eye standing at the kitchen entrance.

“Well good morning sunshine!!” Sarah exclaimed. “How’d our little angel sleep last night?”

“Shut it will ya, me head is killin us,” her strong Geordie tones filling my ears. She looked adorable, with her frizzed bed hair. One of her pyjama pant legs was rolled up to her mid-calf, and her top lifted a bit showing of her amazing toned, tanned abs. I couldn’t help but stare, and truly take in her natural beauty. She really was beautiful. I was then snapped from my thoughts, “Morning babe.” She said, giving me a half smile, ruffling her own bed hair making it even puffier and much more adorable.

“Good morning,” I replied, smiling like a loon, which probably made me look like a right twat, but in that moment I didn’t care.

“Would little cranky Chezza like some coffee?” Sarah cooed in a mocking manner, while puckering up her lips.

“No, but I’ll take a cuppa and two tablets for me head.” She replied while sitting in the chair next to me, and laying her head down on the cold wooden surface of the table. Her chocolate curls spilled over her shoulders, and dangling off the table’s edge. I couldn’t help but smile at how cute she was; she was truly adorable.

* * * * * * *

After finally getting a very hung over Nicola awake and cleaned up a bit, we called a taxi to come pick us up from Cheryl’s flat. Just as the taxi sounded its arrival outside and we said our goodbyes, Cheryl stopped me in my tracks.

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