Chapter 1

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(Cheryl's POV)

I stir in my sleep, not yet wanting to move from under the safe and secure sheets. I slowly open my eyes, the sunlight spilling in through the window, lighting up my surroundings. Yawning and stretching, I sit up and swoop the hair that was once cascading down my back into a loose ponytail. I reach over for my cellular, checking the time. Its 8:32 and I have to be at work in about an hour. I check my messages to see a text from one of my best friends, Sarah.



SARAH- "Hey you!! So, I was thnking this wkend we culd go to the new club that is opening downtown. Get you outta that stuffy flat. I already called Nads and she said she’s in! Txt me bck, luv u!xxx"

I quickly type my reply, the sound of going out not really appealing to me:

"Ehhh, I’m not too sure. I’m not really in the mood to drink, or party.xx C"

I put the phone back, and drag myself out of bed towards the bathroom to get ready for work. I walk in, the cold sticky tiles under my feet giving me goose pimples, until I get to the soft white rectangle carpet in the center of the room. I walk over to the shower and turn the faucet on, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My dark chocolate eyes stare back at me, as I notice the bags that have formed under my eyes due to the restless night of sleep. I quickly strip my clothes from my petite frame, when I notice the steam accumulating from the hot shower. I slowly reach up and pull the hair tie from my hair, letting all of my loose curls cascade down my back again, in a chocolaty waterfall of messy curls. I pull 2 towels from the cabinet by the sink and place them neatly on the counter nearest to the shower. I let my final piece of clothing, my knickers; fall to floor as I step into the warm and stress relieving jets. I quickly washed my hair and body, with my favorite lily scented soap.

I wash the soap from my body, watching it all trickle off and then swirl down the drain in a hurry. I turn the jets off, and pull the curtain back quickly reaching for the two towels. Wrapping one towel around my hair and the next snuggly wrapped around my body, I emerge from the shower. I make my way over to the mirror, slowly wiping all the condensation from it with my free hand in a circular motion, the other hand now occupied by my teal tooth brush.  I place the tooth brush under the cold tap water and squirt just enough white toothpaste at the end. I scrub my teeth until they feel perfectly clean, giving a quick dimple filled smile in the mirror, my pearly white teeth at show. After placing the tooth brush back on the counter and turning the tap off, I reach to the floor and pick up my discarded clothes.

As I open the door to the bedroom, the cold air hits me like a brick wall sending all my little hairs that rest on my neck and arms upwards. Goose pimples now covering my near naked body as I strut toward the dresser, I discard my dirty clothes in the hamper on my way. I rummage through the wooden drawers looking for an outfit. I want to look presentable, seeing that it is my first day at my new job. Yet, I want comfort, seeing that I will be dancing all day. I settle on my favorite soft grey track pants and a white vest top. I grab a pair of my favorite hot pink knickers from my other drawer, and along with a matching bra. I slip my towel off drying my damp olive colored skin in the process and pull on my outfit.

After getting dressed I took the towel from my hair, discarding it onto the floor. The cold, damp hair flows down my back. I brush out all the knots and work my way back into the bathroom, applying just a tad of mascara and a bit of concealer to hide the bags under my eyes. After deciding I looked presentable, I once again pulled my brown locks into a loose ponytail, this time adding my favorite cap into the mix. As I retreat back to the bedroom, I grab my phone to see if Sarah has replied, and indeed she has.

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