Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"I could eat" Evan nodded, offering me a small smile. "I can go pick something up if you don't want to cook".

"Let me see what we've got in. I meant to pick up food this morning, but Valentine distracted me". I walked into the small kitchen in our cabin, and had a quick look through the cupboard. "You might have to go out, Evan, it doesn't look like we have anything in".

"Alright, Alpha Female, I'll go now" Evan shouted back, before I heard him get up. "What do you fancy?"

"Anything but Chinese, you decide" I smiled, as he walked into the kitchen. "Make sure you take your phone". I slid his mobile across the counter top towards him, as he grabbed his keys and coat. "See you in a bit" I called, as he gave me a small wave in goodbye.

A few seconds after Evan left, my phone began to ring. It was Layton. I smiled to myself happily, as I placed the phone to my ear.

"Why didn't you reply to my text?" Layton demanded instantly.

"Hello to you to" I giggled, happy to be speaking to the man I loved once more.

"Gemini I'm serious. You promised you would always reply to my messages, and you didn't reply. Not to mention that you didn't ring this morning when you finished work like you usually do. You're in danger, Gemini, you have no idea how close I was to calling Valentine and demanding he came to find you" Layton ranted.

"Layton, I was with Valentine this morning, I just forgot. And, I was about to reply. It had only been a few minutes, I was talking to Evan and--"

"Oh so Evan and Valentine are more important than me now?" Layton snapped.

"What? I never said that".

"Well it's beginning to seem like you think of Evan as more of a mate, than a fake mate, at the moment. You're my wife, not Evan's". There was a gruff growl in his voice – and I knew that he was close to a half-shift.

"I know I am yours, Layton. I'm married to you, and I love you".

"Yeah, well it doesn't fucking seem like it at the moment" Layton barked at me, before hanging up. I took a deep breath, as I listened to the dialling tone. I felt tears spilling over my cheeks, as my bottom lip trembled.

I called Layton back, but it went straight to answer phone. I tried a further three times, before texting him four times. Layton ignored all of them, which just made me more upset. Deciding that Layton may not ignore Valentine, I scribbled a note to Evan before leaving the cabin and heading to Valentine's cabin.

I took a slow walk, thinking deeply about my argument with Layton. I didn't think I'd done anything wrong, but I could see why Layton was upset. He was very territorial, and I was in the process of being taken away of him – or that was how he saw it.

I stumbled through the Hender pack for a few minutes, making my way towards Valentine's cabin – or the way I thought his cabin was. However, I must have taken a wrong turn because soon I was lost in the forest scenery.

Frowning, I tried to make my way back towards my cabin. But I just wasn't sure where I was. I walked slowly, as the day light darkened, before I heard a sound nearby. It was a simple snapping of a twig; but it was close.

I spun on my heel, eyes scanning the darkening forest. "Hello?" I shouted, expecting to see a familiar face from the Pack. But I couldn't see anyone, and no one replied. That instantly scared me – my heart began to race, and my hands to shake.

Convincing myself the noise had just been an animal, I tried to work out which way it was back to my cabin. Deciding it was back the way I had just come, I turned around and began to walk that way.

A few steps later, I heard another sound nearby – that one a shuffling. As soon as my ears picked up the sounds, I freaked out. I took off running, my feet hitting the ground heavily. As I continued to run, I heard another set out heavy footsteps behind me.

I let out a small whimper as the footsteps began to gain on me. I pushed myself faster, as I pulled my phone from my pocket. I quickly called Valentine, as I ran. "Hello?" he asked breezily.

"Valentine, there's someone after me" I cried down the phone, as the pursuer reached me. I screamed as something hit me over the back of the head. I dropped the phone on the floor, as I fell head first into the mud. I could feel moisture on the back of my head – so I knew I was bleeding – but as my vision began to blur I knew it was a bad injury.

I could hear Valentine's muffled voice from my phone, but I didn't have the strength to reach out and grab the phone. Just as my eyes began to flutter shut, the person stepped up to me. My eye lids slipped closed, but not before I saw some very distinctive red stiletto heels on the feet of my attacker.

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