Cory Imagine 1

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A/N: Well, well, well. Welcome to this Cory's imagine of mine. I'm sorry for my poor English lmao bcs yea, my English sucks HAHAHAHAH. Anyways, just enjoy! Please point out any error I did bcs I will edit~ huehehe. Enjoy reading!

*Vampire Series*
(there won't be any sucking human's blood type of typing in my books for vampires, if you want sucking human's blood type of story, please look for another story to read, I'm sorry!)

(got this idea from im_a_V_girl_bts!! c. to her weeeee!)

Red cloak clan : kind, polite, strong & good looking[😏] vampires - Strongest & the Best clan in the vampire community.

Blue cloak clan : mean & strong vampires - 2nd Strongest in the vampire community.
*Only respect the Red cloak clan's royals.

Green cloak clan : mean but good looking vampires - Not that strong but is one of the best clan in the community(best in looks 😉)
*The clan's leaders are the only treats their kids the best(like they are super kind to their kids and such).
*They also only respect the red cloak clan's royals.

psps, red cloak & green cloak clan leaders know each other and wants to get their son and daughter to be know each other & get married when they're both 20 and older(legal age to get married is 18.)

- Cory is 20
- Y/N is 18

Y/N -

Y/N is a young & beautiful Vampire Royal. She is the daughter of the leaders from Red Cloak and therefore she's a royal. She is not only pretty but 4th strongest vampire from the Red cloak.

Cory -

Cory, the son of the leaders in the green cloak clan. He's the 2nd strongest in the whole clan as his father is the strongest. He's also one of the kindest vampire in the clan though his clan is known to be mean, but there's some vampires like his parents and him that are kind.

// the story starts now //

Y/N's POV:

"Appa! I'm going to the forest now!"
"Alright!" My father, the leader of the red blood clan, replied while smiling like a old idiotic cute grandfather(psps he's not that old :p).
'Asaaaaaa! Time to talk to the animals!' I thought to myself while grinning. I loved animals ever since I was young, it's always fun trying to communicate with them.

Cory's POV:

"Appa I'll be back."
"See you later!" he replied back while smiling.

It's such a wonderful day to go and enjoy the nature(?) in the forest.

I quickly ran to the forest as I really liked the breeze that blows on my face when I speed jump from branches to branches. (HONESTLY I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT IM TYPING IN THIS PARAGRAPH.)

"Time to find some animals weeeee! I can't wait!" I heard a voice shouted from afar.
'Who said that? Is it someone from the red cloak clan? (only the red cloak people have the power to communicate with animals ^^)'

"Yes, I'm from the red cloak clan and yes, I said that too." A voice behind me whispered into my ears(every vampire can listen to thoughts, so there isn't any secrets between vampires).

"Ya! You're sca-" I spun around, my voice disappeared as my eyes met the red cloak clan's vampire. I was stunned by how gorgeous she looked.
'Omo, she's gorgeous.' I said in my thoughts.
'But have I seen her before? She looks familiar...'

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