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Lucy spent the remainder of the week going to classes and thinking about Mikey. She missed him quite a bit and that feeling she got when she was around him. Mikey was like crack or heroine or some pharmaceutical that she'd probably never try- his personality was addictive beyond measure. She kept herself busy taking nudes. Lucy was aware of how slutty that made her-here she was taking pornographic photos for Mikey and he wasn't even her boyfriend- or friend with benefits for that matter. They kissed on the beach, though, and she was sold. Truthfully she had a tough time concentrating in class, well until she realized she could use the information to take more provocative photos. Mikey liked her nudes- he bought every single one.

Lucy got home from grocery shopping on Monday and decided that she should chill. Yeah they kissed, but maybe it wasn't a big deal to Mikey. He probably kissed random girls everyday. She decided to stop thinking about Mikey for the time being, 'just focus on school and Mikey will call you later,' she told herself. As she finished putting away the remaining groceries her phone rang.

"Hello," Lucy answered as she put her milk in the fridge.

"Hi Lucy it's Mikey," his voice was enough for her to smile.

"Hi Mikey," Lucy spoke, "how are you?"

"I'm good. I was wondering if you wanted to come to Neverland and finish up our photo session and maybe go to dinner later this week."

"Yes," Lucy answered smiling,"that sounds like a lot of fun."

"Great," Mikey responded, "what day works best for you?"

"Thursday and Friday are both free," Lucy answered.

"Thursday sounds good," Mikey responded, "what's your address so I can pick you up?"

"3234 old oak drive, apartment 12, Santa Barbara."

"Oh and one last thing," Mikey spoke.

"Yeah?" Lucy asked.

"Wear cute underwear." Mikey finished and hung up before Lucy could get a word out.

Wear cute underwear. Wear cute underwear. Wear. Cute. Underwear. What did that mean? What did Mikey mean when he said wear cute underwear?What criteria was used to determine whether or not a pair of underwear was cute? Lucy wondered all these things as she went to look through her underwear drawer to see what she had to work with.

"Cute undies," Lucy huffed as she emptied her drawer, "What would Mikey think is cute? Unicorns? A g-string? A lacy red thong? Ugh."

Lucy pondered what she should do. Should she go buy a ton of undies or maybe no undies would be sexier. But they were gonna go on a date too so she needed underwear. Ugh what to wear.

Lucy went to classes as usual, and found herself at the shopping mall on Wednesday after school. Shopping centers weren't a place Lucy frequented due-to-the-fact that she never had a lot financial stability, and she never felt comfortable either. She wandered around for a bit before she stumbled upon a tiny shop with lots of lacy underclothes. The store was tiny, but everything inside it was so cute. Every single piece of clothing looked sexy and skimpy, but looked like it had intentionally been made to wear layered. Lucy picked up a a lace bodysuit that was completely see through, but had beautiful embroidery on the chest area to conceal the more intimate parts. This was perfect.

Lucy rolled up to the gates of Neverland around 1:30 pm. It shouldn't have taken her forever, but she kept questioning her outfit choices. The guards saw her and opened the gate. Lucy was nervous and excited to see Michael. It had been more than a week since the last time she saw him and just the thought of him got her panties a little wet.

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