Love is Knowledge

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To know him is to love him,
To know his fears,
His aspirations,
His inner thoughts.
To understand him is to cherish him,
To understand why he acts the way he acts,
To understand what makes him inspired.
His smile,
The shine in his eyes,
The moments he's peaceful,
His voice,
They're all part of a greater level.
The warmth of his skin,
The beat of his heart,
Pours words of wisdom out,
Like a fountain.
He's a book that's written in another language,
Written for a different audience,
Yet there's the unknown that gives attraction.
He could move a mountain with words,
And give the secrets of life with a simple breath.
His dark hair and light eyes,
They contrast to give insight,
Someone who's so unsure,
But has so much pride.
To him pride is power,
It motivates him,
And I see that.
Pride is frightening as is life,
But with him it's not,
It's an adventure,
The next chapter of a textbook,
Of him.
Maybe I'll never understand,
Maybe I will,
But I will keep taking notes,
And try to know him truly.
Because to truly know someone is to truly love them,
And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2015

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