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Yet faint.


Yet nurturing.

Time soars and memories are made,

Moments put still.

Calmed by lying next to you,

Feeling the heat of your skin,

The softness of your breath,

The beat of your heart.

Amnesia creeps in absence,

Trickling into the body,

Clouding the mind,

But never corrupting the heart.

Gilded with the shield of memories.

Shining bright.


You are the memories.

The mender of troubles,

The eraser of vice,

The muse of life.

Memories of your song,

Of your kiss,

Of your touch,

Of your words,

Of your voice,

Of your eyes.

Eyes that glisten and gleam,

With a slightness of mischief.

Your words and voice melts me.

Your kiss and touch that is never enough,




Your song that flows its way into my heart,

That delves into the darkest places and shines.

All memories that slip away each moment alone.

Yet everytime I see your face,

Flooding back,

Without restraint.

You're not just a memory,

You're a moment,


Yet feeling so quick.

A memory just a reflection of those moments.

A moment,

A basis for a memory.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2015

POEMS for everythingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora