Ignorance Is Bliss - Chapter Twelve

Start from the beginning

“Wait!” I shouted as I ran to stop her.“You have to tell me. Please.”

Daveenah ignored me, and flicked the lock. She hesitated before turning back to me. "It was really nice of you to actually give a shit about me. But it is none of your business."

"It's my business when you're the one who began crying!" I pressed.

Daveenah shook her head. "It makes me an idiot."

"No, it doesn't! Please, just tell me anything."

Daveenah flicked her hair over her shoulder and let out a small, shaky breath. "Sienna, just...just, watch out for Zach."

Then with a swift twirl and slam of the door, she was gone.


I made it back to the table, and received questioning looks from everybody. My Mother was first to speak, of course.


I sat down and ignored her stare. "Yes Mum, I'm OK."

I began to pick at a baguette on my side dish, as if it was the most intriguing thing in the world. I finally felt her gaze lift off me, and she rejoined conversation with the Dutre's.

“What’s up?” Pierre spoke quietly.

I looked across the table at him. "Nothing, Pierre."

He gave me a pointed look, and unlike my Mum, he continued to ask questions. This was embarrassing, they probably all thought that I'd had some kind of accident in/on the way to the bathroom. Yikes.

“Just ran into a friend, no biggie." I lied.

What could I say, anyway? The only think running through my head was Daveenah's warning. Watch out for Zach. Why? What was wrong with Zach? Why should I trust her, anyway.

“I don’t know.” Pierre muttered, still holding my eyes. “You look...buzzed.”

"Buzzed. Really?"

“Uh... you do,”

“I DON'T look buzzed."

“You do."



“I DON’T.”

Our argument was interrupted by Michéle, who began to laugh wildly as she clapped her hands together. “Just like zee old days, don't you think!” She spoke in her thick accent, nudging my Mum.

I flashed Pierre a smile, our petty argument already forgotten. He winked back at me.

Mum continued with Michéle's taunting. “Remember that time they decided to play...doctors, wasn't it?”

"Oh, yes." Pierre joined in. "Sienna was a very obedient patient. Sometimes."

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes, bracing myself for further embarrassment. Pierre kicked me softy from under the table, which resulted in a hard kick from me, to his shin.

"Merde!" Pierre cried out, as his knee bashed into the table.

"Pierre!" Michéle exclaimed, clapping her hand over her mouth. "You cuss like a sailor!"

I looked over at him, a fake look of horror plastered on my face. "Gosh, Pierre!"

"No one says 'gosh' anymore Sienna. Not even my Grandmother." Pierre smirked.

I frowned. "That's probably because she doesn't speak English, Pierre, and watch your mouth. I may have to kick you again."

"Violence against women Australia, says no." Pierre sing-songed, reciting a well renowned advertisement from television.

"Aren't you a guy?"


“Is that the cheerleader girl?" Pierre asked, breaking the silence. He motioned towards Daveenah, sitting a few tables away with her...family?

I had a mind blank from the incident earlier that evening in the bathrooms with Daveenah, and nonchalantly said “Daveenah Willow. She has a black belt in being a bit--uh,bitter person."

“Ha, funny.” Pierre laughed, giving my arm a quick pat. "She cornered me in the hallway today."

I tried to laugh, but I still couldn’t seem to get one thought out of my head.

Watch out for Zach.

What did it even mean?


Haven't written in awhile... Mainly because the school holidays are over, and I'm piled up with a ton of work, I'm sure some of you guys know how that feels!

But I'll try to upload more often... I just don't have a lot of motivation sometimes (Even though I am absolutely obsessed with writing this story) Just...let me know how it's going.

Vote, comment?

The more I get... The more motivated I am to write and upload! :)

~ Tara

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