I could tell Daryl wasn't happy about this but it was going to happen one way or another. There was no way I could last another day doing nothing. It wasn't in my nature, and shooting doesn't require two hands. If I used one of our pistols I would be more than ok.

"Ye earn more than ye fair share 'round here. Don't fool ye self." Merle yelled from the kitchen again. But I just ignored him.

"I'll be out around two to change shifts with you." Gently patting Daryl's back, I have him a smile.

Watching as his grimacing face finally broke and a tiny smirk tugged at his lips.

"What ever ye say Had." Daryl coyly smirked before leaving me standing alone with Rick.

Once I heard the screen door close, I turned to Rick. Knowing he wanted to talk about something, given the fact he was still hovering behind me. I was never person number one to come running to when people wanted to talk. Frankly I wasn't the easiest person to talk to in general. So Rick really must have something important to say.

"Can I talk with you really fast?" He finally asked, his boots gently shuffling along the warn out wooden floors.

Judging by his tired sunken eyes, I could tell he need to get this off his chest. So he could go rest up some for what ever he had planned for tomorrow.

"Sure." I shrugged, fixing my sling carefully as we walked out onto the porch.

The night air was muggy, and it was dreadfully warm. But the sky was clear as could be. No a single cloud littered the sky.The stars shining down lighting the yard just enough so you didn't need to use a flashlight to see in front of your face.

"I want to say thank you." Rick said as he walked to the end of the porch. His back to me as he gazed out into the darkened landscape.

My brow quickly raised in confusion as I wondered what he was talking about. I defiantly didn't do anything to be thanked. I've done more things to be thrown out rather than be thanked.

"For what?" I quickly asked, as my body leaned up against the porch railing. My eyes held in the direction where Rick was standing.

"For taking charge while... While I was sorting things out." He breathed out a breath. "I know things with Shane weren't exactly calm. So thank you, I really appreciate all that you've done for us." Turning on his heels he found my gaze. Letting me know that he was being genuine.

"Someone had to do it." I smiled. "Anyways you guys are like my family now. I can't just stand back and not do anything."

Giving me a simple understanding nod he placed a hand on my shoulder. Gently patting my skin before he started towards the door.

"Hadley." He said just as he reached the door. "You should get some sleep before you take watch. It looks like you need it."

Standing there I nodded my head silently. Refusing to acknowledge his last statement. First Glenn, now Rick, these people sure knew how to get on your last nerves. But what did I expect, they were family.

By now most everyone in the house had gone to bed. The noises had died down from the bedrooms and the hushed voices had trailed off. Telling me they had finally fallen asleep.The small flickering of lights that emanated from the candles inside, peeked through some of the tiny cracks in the wall. But nothing big enough to get the attention of a walker.

Figuring I had nothing better to do, and I probably wouldn't be able to sleep for a two hour period, I decided to head out to the tree stand. My feet carrying me quickly across the lawn as I hurried off in the direction that Daryl had went in.

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