Dalton boys

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Hello again! Thank you so much to 13emily1999, rachgonz92 (Great Rap!), NiallsPrincessAlways, and as always- FreeYourGlee. Thank you to the voters and readers as well, because without you, there would be no story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. 

So...happier chapter?


At first Blaine couldn't quite comprehend what was happening, but before he knew it, he had ran after Kurt, leaving Sebastian behind. He never expected Kurt to react like this. Afterall, Blaine was only trying to move on from Kurt so he could save their friendship - which meant everything to him. No, he never thought Kurt would be upset and run off, and the thought made his stomach churn and guilt to rise. 

He had caused this, but he didn't understand why. It didn't matter though, not at the moment. Because Kurt was running even further away from him, and it kills Blaine that he could never make Kurt happy. 

He could hear the footsteps and the muffled sob as he chased after Kurt. He would have reached Kurt, but a crowd of Dalton boys scattered from the Dalton stairs (where Kurt and Blaine first met) and blocked Blaine's way. Blaine all but let out a fustrated whine at the interuption, unaware that Sebastian was following close behind. 

"Anderson? Where are you going? I believe you had something to say to me before the boy ungraciously distrupted our conversation." said Sebastian behind his smirk. 

Blaine whipped around and barely held back from slapping the boy across the face. Instead, he settled  for a glare. "What?!"

"I asked you if you wanted to go to Scandals with me on Sunday." explained Sebastian, a little annoyed. 

"No. I'm busy." deadpanned Blaine. He just wanted to get away from Sebastian, he never liked him in the first place. He just thought that Kurt would want him to move on. Not that it matters now. 

"Are you-"

"Excuse me." said Blaine, sparing only an annoyed glance at Sebastian before pushing him away. He ducked into the crowd, hoping that he would lose Sebastian. Sure enough, he heard Sebastian curse before stomping away. 

He looked at the crowd of students that were slowly decreasing and turned a corner to a peaceful silence. Blaine looked around for hints of where Kurt may have rushed off to. He sighed before feeling a hand grasp his wrist and fiercely turn him around. He was hit with the appearance of Wes as he nearly toppled to the ground.

"Wes!" said Blaine indignantly. But Wes merely glared at the fellow warbler, making Blaine want to vanish to the floor. "Where's Kurt?"

"Where's Kurt? I was more along the lines of who was the guy that chased after you?" yelled Wes. "Are you an idiot? No. Don't answer that. Because you are." 

"What the heck are you going on about, Wesley?" shouted Blaine in reply. 

"Don't you see that Kurt is upset? He is practically in love with you and you come along and cru-"

"You don't know what you're talking about. I confessed, Wes. I confessed. Kurt turned me down. And gosh know it-" Blaine stopped, taking a breath. " I am upset too. " 

Wes looked confused before unbelief followed. " No. You're lying." 

"I'm not. Wesley. I'm not." snarled Blaine. He had a look of anger in his eyes and Wes knew that Blaine couldn't be lying. 

"Why?" asked Wes in a whisper. "Why would he turn you down? It's not like Kurt. " 

"Why Wesley. I've been trying to figure that out too. Maybe he just never liked me in the first place." said Blaine in despair as he turned to Wes. But Wes was deep in thought. 

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