Chapter Twenty Seven

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Stupid ugly bimbo bitch!
Why does she even have to exist?!
Why the hell didn't they use protection five year's ago?!
That's if the Kid even is Blayze's!
She could just see he's doing well in life now and has decided to pretend he's the Dad so she can get money out of him!
I slammed into something hard and staggered back a step.
Looking up, I came face to face with Xalan Reynolds.
I clenched my hand's back into tight fist's, my nail's biting into my palm's.
Why does it seem like I have a problem with everybody lately?
Stupid Xalan and his stupid flirting.
He has a nice girlfriend!
Xalan looked surprised, bumping his brown hat brim back a bit.
I gritted and took a step around him.
I guess I had been storming and not watching where I was going...
A strong hand landed on my shoulder.
"Hey, mate, are you alright?"
Xalan asked.
Grinding my teeth, I turned around.
"I'm wonderful. Leave me alone Xalan."
I knew my tone was filled with my feeling's.
But at this point, I truthfully did not care.
Twisting on my heel, I went to continue on my way.
"Fuck you women are confusin! How the hell are we meant to keep up with your mood's?"
Xalan's boot's crunched as he used longer strides to catch up with me, his spur's ringing with every step.
"I never said you had to!"
Lifting my chin, I straightened my shoulder's and made like a freight train coming down the line.
At least that's how I envisioned myself.
With my 5'3 frame or whatever the hell I had, I probably didn't look like much of a threat to anybody else!
"If you hate me so much because you think I cheated on Peyton, I didn't."
Slamming on the brakes, I whirled to face him.
He struggled to stop in time.
"If you want a medal, you're not gonna fuckin get one!"
I scoffed.
"She followed you all the way to another country and she's only eighteen! You shouldn't even think of flirting, let alone acting on it!"
"I didn't act on it!"
He insisted.
I folded my arms under my chest, eyeing him haughtily.
"Because Blayze made ya feel guilty? Grow a pair of ball's dude, seriously!"
I snorted, turned on my heel and continued on my way.
Stupid Xalan!
Like I want to deal with his problem's!
Xalan's footstep's crunched as he once again started following me.
"I actually ended up calling her and talking to her until she fell asleep on the phone."
Why the hell is he telling me this?
It's none of my business!
"Who rained on your parade this mornin? You seem to have been havin a blast this weekend."
Oh now he want's to make small talk?
I shot him an irritated glance.
"What part of leave me alone do you not get?"
"Well Blayze is my friend..."
"What the hell does that have to do with anything?!"
"Well you're wandering around alone and you look upset."
He reasoned.
"I'm fine!"
I denied, clenching my jaw.
"The storm cloud hanging above your head say's otherwise!"
Xalan sang.
What is he, a shrink?
"Shut up!"
I snapped.
"How about I shout you a drink?"
He offered, a smile lighting his face.
"It's only morning!"
I exclaimed, shocked.
Yeah I was pissed as hell emotionally.
But that didn't mean I wanted to get drunk!
Xalan shrugged.
"And we're at Rodeo."
I shook my head.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the screen.
"Actually, it's after eleven."
He declared.
"C'mon. I'll shout ya a drink!"
He insisted.
With a roll of my eyes, I grudgingly followed him.

"I'm honestly not that bad of a bloke."
Xalan insisted once we both had a drink and found an empty table and chair's beneath a tree, shading us from the sun.
"Maybe you're not. But I don't know you. And you were flirting with girl's the other night when you have a girlfriend."
I picked my drink up from the table and took a sip.
A flicker of something like regret crossed his tanned face.
"I don't want to lose Peyton."
He confessed.
"So don't."
How is he that bloody stupid?
"It's not as simple as that."
He set his drink down onto the plastic table.
I shot him a disbelieving look.
"How isn't it?"
Xalan looked away, across the grounds.
"She's too good for me."
He all but whispered.
"So treat her right. She obviously want's to be with you. She moved to another country with you."
I pointed out.
"Why don't you take some of your own advice then?"
He challenged, bracing his fist's on the tabletop.
I frowned, confused.
"What the hell do you mean?"
I don't have a boyfriend!
Xalan glowered at me.
"I think you know."
"Um no I don't!"
I wouldn't have asked if I knew!
He wriggled his phone out of his pocket and began to tap away at the screen.
Finally, he set his phone onto the table.
Only a few moments passed before his phone vibrated and flashed.
He peered at the screen, then turned to me.
"Blayze is comin over now."
I felt my eyes widen!
"Then I'm out."
I drained the last of my drink, slammed the now empty cup onto the table and slid out of my seat.
"Bailey wait-"
Xalan protested.
"Leave me the hell alone!"
I snapped.

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