Chapter 26 - Jackson

Start from the beginning

"Well then, we're going to take today nice and slow." Charlie smiled. It was obvious he loved being the experienced teacher. "Bringing down a hog is no easy task. Plus, they love a good fight. And if you get lucky enough to shoot one, it's a good idea to take another shot after you've tracked it. Pigs can play dead and may attack if you get too close, so make sure to be noisy when you approach and then shoot the pig again from at least 15 yards, even if it looks dead. But don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time."

Promise? Jackson couldn't suppress a grin, he hoped it looked like excitement

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Promise? Jackson couldn't suppress a grin, he hoped it looked like excitement. "Got it, Charlie."

Charlie handed him a camouflaged hat that matched his own and he put it on his head, securing it into place.

"Just make sure you stay close," Charlie warned for a second time. "I want to be able to see you at all times. If you stay just a few paces behind me you should be safe."

I'll be safe, but what about you? Jackson wondered in amusement. "Don't worry. I'll stay by your side."

Charlie took a deep breath. "Are you ready?"

More than you know. "I am." He followed Charlie out the door.

"I love you," Talia called from behind them. "Be careful."

Charlie looked over his shoulder and threw her a smile

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Charlie looked over his shoulder and threw her a smile. "I love you, too. See you soon."

Jackson squeezed his eyes shut, muttering his disgust. The sooner he took care of this inconvenience the better. And as far as the consequences went, he wasn't worried. Other hunters in the news had only been be sentenced to jail for one year after an "accidental" shooting, but with the legal team he had working for him Jackson was convinced he'd get off scot-free. That's why he always made sure to take care of his lawyers. You get what you pay for...

His heart started to beat just a little faster as they made their way around the house, the wooded area where they were headed about six hundred yards away. Jackson glanced at the Rolex on his wrist. It was just going on seven o'clock. If he played his cards right, Charlie could be in a body bag in less than three hours. The thought made him feel giddy. What a freeing sensation to avenge his son's death, even though Steven had been dumb enough to let it happen. No one gets away with shaming my family. No one...

Dealing with Talia would be a different story. Jackson had wanted to take care of then both since they'd each played a role in killing his son, but whoever he could get to first would have to do. Whoever was left alive would just have to suffer the loss. It wouldn't be quite as satisfying as taking Talia's life but losing her beloved Charlie would be a devastating fate...for her anyway. Perhaps once the dust settled he'd come back and kill her, too.

In the meantime, first things first...

Jackson tightened his grip on the revolver, the slick touch of metal making his hand twitch with greed. Once his finger was around that trigger everything would be alright. Fate would works itself out, he had no doubt about that. He followed Charlie across the gravel driveway, the pebbles crunching underneath his designer suede boots.

The time has finally come...

At first the noise blended in with rocks underfoot, but then the intensity began to increase. Charlie and Jackson both turned their heads and found a rusted pickup making its way up the drive. The truck parked and a man hopped out, kicking the door shut with his foot. He hurried toward them, flinging a pack around his shoulder and holding a rifle in the crook of his arm.

"Hey, buddy," the man called out, his raspy voice bouncing off the walls of dissipating fog.

Charlie's face lit up. "Hey, Ryan! I thought you couldn't make it."

The corner of Ryan Sullivan's mouth tilted into a smirk and with his free hand he removed the butt of a cigarette from his lips

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The corner of Ryan Sullivan's mouth tilted into a smirk and with his free hand he removed the butt of a cigarette from his lips. He tossed it to ground in front of him, stepping on it with a twist. "Betsy had a change of heart. See where a night of good lovin' will get you?" He tossed Jackson a lewd wink.

"I guess so." Charlie grinned. "I'm glad you could make it. Jackson, you remember Ryan?"

Jackson gave him a tight smile. "Of course. It's nice to see you again."

"Not as nice as it's gonna be to watch me kick some feral hog ass!" The redhead cackled loudly at his own joke.

"I didn't realize we'd have company." Jackson glanced at Charlie. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Ryan throw him a look.

"I didn't realize we would. Ryan said he wouldn't be able to join us."

"It's not a problem, is it?" Ryan asked, addressing Jackson. His eyebrows were vaulted in obvious amusement.

Jackson shook his head, a ball of disappointment settling in his stomach. "Not at all. I was just surprised. The more the merrier I always say." He forced another smile. "I take it you two have been hunting together before?" he asked as they made their way toward the mass of trees in the distance.

"All the time." Ryan gave him a smile, or was it a sneer?

Jackson had no choice in the matter. Ryan would be joining them, he'd just have to find a way to make do. "Well, I guess I'm lucky to be in the company of two experienced hunters." 

An unexpected curve ball didn't mean all was lost. He'd just readjust his plan to make it work. When Jackson put his mind to it, he always came out on top.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hello and thank you for reading Secrets and Lies! If you enjoyed this chapter, please hit that star!

So, what do you think of the new multimedia option? Do you like it or find it distracting? Adding pictures and GIFs will be available to all Wattpaders very soon, some of us guinea pigs are just testing it out first to help work out the kinks.

And thank goodness Ryan showed up when he did! Charlie's not out of danger yet but it will definitely be a lot harder for Jackson to get to him with a former military man least, I hope! ;)

Today I would like to give a shout-out to readers in Hungary, Mauritania, Angola, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates--thank you for reading!

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