Chapter 三十三

Start from the beginning

I looked at him, and my heart began to beat a little slower. The adrenaline was now gone, and I was seeing the reality of the situation.

“Thank you.”

The man didn’t say anything in exchange, just walked back to the driver’s seat and turned on the truck to drive off. I skipped out of the way of the truck and he pulled off, exhaust reeking behind him. The howling wind blurred out my own thoughts. I didn’t know what to do at this point.

Well, I should return to my original motive—finding Roshon and getting my revenge. But the only problem was that I didn’t know where he was. It looked like I would have to solve the  mystery on my own.

One thing I knew for sure was that the Roshon that took me, the one that messes with me, was the same on that Darcelle mentioned on Hodgy’s voicemail. But I didn’t know why Hodgy would be looking for Christopher’s fake lover. What did the two have to do with each other?

I deleted the thoughts after realizing that they weren’t going to help me find Roshon at all. Maybe in the long run, but not right now. I needed him as soon as possible, or my anger would die out. He needed someone to put him in his place, and I wanted to be the one to do it.

Suddenly, the rumbling truck came reversing back toward me, almost running me over before I skipped out of the way. The driver sat, glaring at me intently.

“What are you still doing here? Didn’t I tell you to go about your business? Now I wish Roshon would have killed you. You’re stupid.”

“Hey, I have to think before I just leave. Okay?” I snapped at him. Then I realized that I could use him as a tool. “And by the way, do you know where he is right now?”

The man gave me a sideways look. “So you want to just go and meet your death, don’t you?” He asked.

“Where is he?” I persisted. He sighed.

“In New York City.”

I swore under my breath. How was I going to get there? I had no money for a plane flight, only about three hundred dollars left. If I stayed here, that would get me three more comfortable nights at the motel—and a lot less stress.

“I don’t mind giving you a ride; I have a van. The drive is only about two days.” The man offered.

Only two days? That’s a lot, sir. I think I’ll pass. I don’t have enough to pay you, anyway. But I appreciate the offer.” I replied, taken aback by his statement.

“It’s alright. We’ll make stops. Besides, he won’t be at the headquarters for another day or two. Pay me whatever you have.”

“I have three-hundred dollars and a gold necklace.” I said, growing with excitement. The gold necklace was from months ago when I picked it up on my way to Christopher’s concert, the night I met Lucas. It was the one with the tooth-pendant. If I knew a thing or two, it was worth a lot—maybe more than my three-hundred dollars.

“Well, that’s more than Roshon pays me.” He said matter-of-factly, chuckling a bit. “Hop in, girl.”

I smiled widely. Instead of being in the back of the truck, I was now in front. Even though I wasn’t driving, I felt in control.

You can run, Roshon, but you can’t hide.

                                                                          Two Days Later

Coming to New York City usually brought back bittersweet memories, but this time as I rested my head tiredly against the window of Nikko’s minivan, all I could remember were bad things. This place chewed me up and spit me out. This place was where I was kept captive, a slave, by Roshon. Nothing good had happened here.

When I asked Nikko what ‘headquarters’ he was referring to, he told me that it was classified information. All he told me was that Roshon was the powerful ruler of his own militia and he didn’t like me at all, which I already knew.

The drive made me so wary that I almost didn’t even notice when the van stopped. We were in front of that same shady building, the tall brick one that seemed to be very spacious inside but didn’t have an apparent purpose. But something was different about the building this time. Instead of being a quiet place, it was surrounded by protestors with upset faces, pumping their arms with posters and banners in hand.

“What are they protesting for?” I asked Nikko blearily.

“They want this building to either be taken down by the city or put to some community use. Roshon bought it a few years back for his own self, but people are now curious about why no one can be let in without a key.” Nikko explained carelessly. I continued to watch the people and shook my head. People just love to interfere.

“Get out here, kiddo. Go around back. Again, thanks for the pay.” Nikko stopped the car. I kissed him softly on the cheek.

“No, thank you.” I replied. I opened the door and looked at him one last time.

“Good luck.” He whispered. I closed the door lightly and began my trek to the back of the building, avoiding the crowd. All I would have to do is open the door and go inside.

From there, I would either live free or die hard.

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