The Mystery Man

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{ Y/N - Your Name | L/N - Last Name | P/N - Pets Name | H/C - Hair Color | H/S - Hair Style | RFN - Random Friends Name | M/N - Mom's Name | E/C - Eye Color }

Your POV
< Your Flat >
{ Night before the meeting with Sherlock }

I sit in the living room of your small, single bedroom flat sipping some tea. I stare out of the window and watch the rain drops trickle down the clean glass. The fire place is lit and P/N is happily sleeping next to the warm coals.

I look back out of the window and sigh. I am broken inside. So broken that I can't even cry, I can only stare off into the middle of no where. No emotion. I'm just a robot with no emotion who has lost their best friend.

I hear my phone buzzing and pull it out of your skinny jeans. It is M/N, my mother. I answer the call and place the phone by my ear. "Hello?" I manage to stutter out.

"Y/N!! Are you okay!!?? I haven't heard from you in a while!" Mother screeched.

"I-I'm fine, mom." I still have not told Mother about RFN. I haven't told anyone, really. It is just... It's hard to talk about.

"Are you sure you're fine? You don't sound fine to me." Mother sounds slightly disappointed. She must know I'm lying. She knows everything, I mean isn't that what mothers are supposed to do?

A tear rolls down my face, and I don't respond to mothers question.

"Y/N?" She speaks up breaking the silence.

"Yes, mom?" Tears are rolling down my face uncontrollably but I make no noise.

"If something is wrong you know I'm here for you... Always... You know this, right?"

"Y-yeah, mom."

"Okay, darling. If you want tomorrow we could go to the bakery and have some biscuits and tea. Would you like that?"

"Yes, I would actually." I sniffle to clear the tears and I manage to smile. Tea with mother is always fun.

"Great!" She laughs to herself. "What time, darling? Would 9 in the morning work?"

Hmmm.. What do I have at 9 in the morning tomorrow..? I know I have something. I just can't remember... Oh! The appointment of course! "Mom, I actually can't do 9 in the morning."

"Why not?"

"I have a..." I don't want to tell her because I will have to tell her about RFN... No thanks... "...a date, mom. I have a date tomorrow at 9." Oh great. Way to go Y/N. Mother will now be interested in this mystery man.

"What!! A date!?"

"Yes mother. A date. Can we just not talk about it anymore? I will tell you tomorrow if it goes well or not... Deal?"


I love mother, she is always so negotiable and understanding. "Okay, so instead of 9 in the morning, how about we do around 1 in the afternoon?"

"Sounds great, darling."

"Great! I will put it on my calendar and I will see you tomorrow?"

"Yep! See you tomorrow, darling. Love you."

"Love you too!"

I hang up, smiling. What if it could be a date. I don't even know this man... I mean like, he could be handsome, charming, everything!


What am I thinking? I am meeting with him so I can solve my friend's murder. Not to date him.

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