Chapter Five

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Lying on the bed, I hear the door close. I instantly look over to see the boy who gave me food last night, his green eyes piercing mine. He walks over to the bed with five steps. He lifts up his hand and on instinct I flinch. I have a feeling he won't hurt me though. His face is unreadable. He continues to raise his hand to my face and brushes my messy brown hair behind my ear. Now I'm so confused. Should I be afraid of him? I mean he did tie me up, but then he cleaned my knees. Ugh. His brother said that they are good. I shouldn't be worried. His brown hair is a little ruffled, but it still looks really good. It looks like he didn't sleep last night. I also notice a bruise on his right cheek.

"What happened?" I ask out of curiosity. I reach my hand towards his face to touch the bruise. My fingers brush against his blue and purple cheek. He instantly pushes my hand away as almost as if I burned him.

"Nothing," he says quickly. I give him a weary look. "How are you, Princess." He must have said it to try and change the subject. He looks distracted, like before. I decide to ignore the fact that he won't tell me. It must have been his father.

I almost laugh at the cheesiness of the nickname though. "Your highness," I mock. "Do you even know my name?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't princess," he says. He continues to stare at me with his emerald eyes. I could get lost in them forever.

"Well it looks like you don't get to know my name, your highness." I hold in my chuckle. Our conversation sounds dumb, but I keep it going. "Your highness, what is your name?"

"Only because you are dying to know princess. It's Ashton," he says. What a handsome name for a handsome boy.

"Well Ashton, your highness, I am not telling you my name," I say smirking. How could he not know my name? If he dad was stalking me, wouldn't he have found out my name and told Ashton?

"Princess it is," he says.

"Well Prince, I would like to go home," I express, raising my voice a little, "I have a family you know." I miss them a lot.

"I'm sorry princess, but you're stuck here until I can get you out of this mess," he says calmly.

"You're just afraid of your father," I snap.

"Who wouldn't," he expresses, "I am also trying protect, you know." I'm surprised he didn't ask how I knew
that. We sit in a silence for a few minutes.

I have a plan. I kick him where it hurts. He curses loudly, bending over in pain.

I jump off the bed and take three giant steps towards the white door. Touching the brass handle on the door, I think of Austin and Jay. They are probably in the house and I might be caught by them. Austin told me Jay is scary and that there isn't a house for miles. I'll probably be safer here with Ashton than having a chance of running into Jay. Freedom and going back to my family sounds nice though.

As I twist the handle on the door as Ashton pounces on top of me. He grabs me from behind and pushes me down to the floor. I fall onto my back with a thud, luckily it didn't hurt too much. He straddles my stomach, holding my wrists down. Sparks run throughout my body. I realize the position we're in and my face immediately flushes red. This is the same position we were in when I tried to run. Except this time I have this weird feeling. He is grinning at me. "Could you, I don't know, get off of me?" I ask, looking away.

"Not if you're going to do the same thing as last time. That kind of hurt," he says, slightly out of breath, "I am going to try and help you. You need to trust me." How am I supposed to trust him when he kidnapped me. He could just be pretending to be on my side. Then again, Austin and Ashton just don't want to get hurt. Ashton said he has to protect me now.

"How could I trust you?" I simply ask, wondering his reason.

"My father kidnapped you," he expresses, getting worked up. He releases my arms and clenches his hands tightly. Maybe I said the wrong thing. Something must of happened. "I didn't ask for you to be kidnapped. Do you think I want to be arrested?"

"I didn't ask to be kidnapped either." I mumble.

"It's okay," he says quietly. The warmth of his body leaves mine when he gets up. He picks me up off the floor and places me down on the bed. He sits down next to me.

"Are we still in Rhode Island?" I ask, trying to switch topics.

"Uh, about that," Ashton says, "we are in Vermont."

"Vermont?" I repeat.

"Yeah," he says scratching the back of neck.

"We are in the middle of nowhere!" I angrily mumble. Ashton nods. Well technically it's not too bad. Rhode Island is about about five hours away. It still is pretty far though. The police are going to have trouble finding me. If they find me.

"I mean that is kind of the point. My father did kidnap you."

"Thanks for reminding me," I respond sarcastically. My mood drops slightly. "My brother is probably so worried." I miss him so much. We do practically everything together and go everywhere together. Then there's Sky. At the park I told her I would see her later. The day I was kidnapped I was going to call her and go to beach with her. My parents are still away, unless they found out the news and came back. I let out a deep heavy sigh.

"I'm sure he's fine," Ashton says, trying to reassure me. It's not fine though.

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