chapter three

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Chapter three

That night was dark, the whispering hills quiet as Lèna saddled her pure white freshian, Zebranth. She loved him so, and hoped he would do well in their travels together. They had grown inseparable through the years being her one true friend she knew she could count on.

Lèna had packed every essential she believed she would need and stuffed it in the saddle pack along with her long blades her father had given her when she was young.

As she packed, there came a rustling noise creeping in behind her not far from were she stood.

Léna held her breath hoping to keep silent as the footsteps came near. Though when they never made themselves known she kept quiet and raised herself over the saddle.

Just then something stopped her from kicking her horse down the passes out of Rivendell and it wasn't her doubts.

" Legolas?" She gasped, just as he came into the light for her to see him upon his own horse.

" Lèna? What are you doing out on a horse?"

Lèna was stunned for a moment unable to reply. So instead she turned it on him hoping he wouldn't notice the packed supplies behind her.

" What do you mean, what am I doing? What are you doing?"

His eyes wouldn't look in her direction. He knew he'd been caught. " Are you leaving?" She asked astonished.

Legolas didn't know what to say." Are you? " He replied with suspicion.

A sudden thought came to mind as he remembered what she had told him at the party. " You are leaving." He said, crossing his arms over his chest." Like your father and I advised you not to."

" And you are as well! " Léna argued." Do you not want to marry me?"

" Of Course I do Lèna, I do. But I made a promise to Gimli that I would take him to Miras Tirth. I was going to come back..."

" Yet," She began jumping down swiftly from her horse," You weren't going to let my father know of this plan. "

" Neither were you. " He grumbled jumping back down from his horse to challenge her with his own accusations." I don't even belive you would come back.."

Lèna narrowed her eyes at the handsome elf that seemed to know exactly what she was planning. " I would have. After I've had my fill of the world."

Legolas took light steps toward her placing his hands over hers in a soft manner. "What if the world swallowed you whole and you could never come back. What then? Rivendell would be without a Queen, Your father could never set sail and your people would be lost. Is this what you want?"

Lèna hated how wise he seemed to be. Almost as if he knew what secrets lied beneath her own heart. " No. It is not. But my father can wait a while longer. It won't hurt him."

" Fine. " Legolas shrugged. " Do as you wish, but do not think I will let you go alone. I will accompany you so you can see your sister. Then, we must come back."

Lénas mouth fell agape. " Why do you want to come back? Is it that you want the crown, and title of Lord?"

Angered at her accusing, Legolas let go of her hands without a word, turning back toward his horse Arod forcefully to finish packing. " Do not accuse me of such my lady. I am a Prince yes, but I came here because my father asked me to. Not because I wanted this."

Hurt filled her heart. Not because she felt she was his burden but because he didn't want this. He didn't want her. " Oh..." She whispered turning to face her own horse. The truth stinging her own pride.

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