Chapter one

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Betrothed To You


" My son." Thranduil greeted Legolas with his long arms held out and his head held high in pride. He wore his long thorned crown with the regal attired flowing about around him as he came down the steps to meet his only son.

" Father. " Legolas beamed, joining him before the steps.

" I heard of the news. It is great pride that I have in you my son. "

Thranduil's hand felt warm against his own as he brought him up beside his thrown were they spoke in whispers to one another.

" Yes father. The fellowship came through, the ring is destroyed."

Thranduil sighed with relief closing his clear blue eyes." Frodo is truly a brave sole. He fulfilled what man could not..."

Legolas agreed." Frodo has the purest of hearts indeed."

The two soon accompanied each other around a large table filled with fresh fruits and custom suppers to eat upon for this special occasion. It wasn't long ago Legolas had joined in the fellowship to see to the ring being destroyed. Now that it had been, Thranduil could rest easy and tell his son of the great news.

" Come dine with me Legolas!" Thranduil bellowed, motioning him to take a seat.

The chair he sat upon reminded him of olden days before the fellowship of the ring. It brought many comforts of joy into his heart, replacing the visions of sorrows he had been accustomed to as of late.

" I have some wonderful news for you Legolas." Thranduil said with a knowing smile upon his lip, while taking a large piece of bread smearing it with fresh juiced jam.

" What is it father?" Legolas asked puzzled. He knew his father did not often harken unto him great news, for the last he saw him, the orc's had attacked and the creature Golem had escaped.

" Rivendell has answered my wishes. More so now that you're home and safe under the comforts of Murkwood."

Legolas hadn't known his father had called upon Rivendell. It wasn't often that he did.

Confused, Legolas looked up from his filled plate in curiosity. "Rivendell? What buiness is there for us in Rivendell? The Elves have gone..."

Thranduil felt great excitement at the news he was to bring upon his son. It wasn't everyday your son would be betrothed to become Lord of Rivendell.

" If this is about the ring..."

" No no. " Thranduil spoke up," Not of the ring. That has passed and we must look beyond this, yes?"

Look past? Legolas thought. " I assume so..."

" Good. Now, Rivendell as I have said was eager to fulfill my wishes. As Elrond is growing tired and wishes to pass his title to his youngest daughter."

The stark blue of Legolas's eyes bore into his father's, weary of what this was all coming to.

" I have asked Elrond, or he asked me, if you my son would be her betrothal."

If Legolas could turn pale he knew he would have in that moment.

" Father this is completely..."

" Wonderful!" The King bellowed in joy dramatically throwing his hands about. " Now my son will lead Rivendell! My son, Legolas Lord of Rivendell!"

Legolas was however not as joyful as his father. He felt angered by this and slammed the bread he had planned to eat down upon the plate. " I have many other plans I would like to fulfill father! I had planned for Gimli and I to visit Arogon while his rule.."

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