Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The days turned into nights as weeks turned into months before the news of the prince of Murkwood came to Rivendell. Lèna had eventually hoped he would not show, but one star filled night when the thick crickets chirped and the fog of the mountains covered them in an abiss, he came.

Not alone however. By his side sat a small man, a dwarf, who later introduced himself as Gimli, son of Glóin, who faught along side Legolas in the fellowship.

He was a charming dwarf, though she had never met one in person to compare. Only heard of them or read of them in books.
His beard was a fire red and his laugh was as haughty as joy itself. He spoke of Legolas as if he were the one having to be betrothed to the prince.

" My dear you are as fair as your sister Arwen.." He gently spoke, taking her hands and gracing them along his lips in a gentleman manor. The fullness of his beard tickling her skin.

Lèna blushed. " Thank you sir Gimli. As are you."

And Lèna ment this. It was in her good nature to find the best in everyone's hearts. Even if it was not their to find.  It was a weakness in some ways, her father had explained to her, but a treasure in others.

After Gimli had introduce himself and strolled into Rivendell, the prince flung himself off his white horse, softly padding his boots to the stone.

Lèna didn't dare look apon him, for she knew woodland elves were as fair as they came, and would feel foolish for starring. Especially since she hadn't planned to go through with the marriage in the end.

" Lady Lèna." Legolas muttered softly, keeping his eyes sharp upon the darkened stone cobble he once stood upon many days ago. Where the fellowship had been created.

" Prince Legolas.." She greeted him in return, bowing in his presence.

Legolas was at a loss of what to say. He could not even bring himself to look upon the beautiful eleth before him. It had been many year's an eleth like Lady Lèna would be his company.

You can smit orc, tread through the mines of moria, and live through two of the deadliest battles of Middle Earth. Yet you cannot look an eleth in the eye, nor speak to her?

Nothing came to mind, as Legolas faught the urge to scramble back upon his horse and ride away. He was terrible with formalities. Especially with a woman he knew next to no thing of.

Thankfully Lord Elrond came to his rescue.

" Prince Legolas! " The Lord bellowed, arms open wide.

" Lord Elrond!" Legolas smiled warmly embracing him from the side as if they were the best of acquaintances.

" Your travels were easy I hope? I see Lord Gimli has found the dinning hall."

Legolas chuckled hearing his short friend some ways down speaking in his usual rough manner. " Indeed they were. Lord Gimli loves Rivendell hospitality."

The two chuckled as Elrond motioned for Lèna to join them on their walk inside Rivendell.

Lèna made sure to fall in behind them as they spoke of their travelings. She was to busy summing up the plan of escape to notice when her father had called her name.

" Lèna?" Elrond called to his daughter walking silently behind them.

He knew his daughter did not prove of the situation but she did not need to be rude. " Come join us. The two of you have much to discuss."

Lèna did as her father asked joining them just as they made it to the dinning hall were Gimli sat feasting upon a meat leg.

" Ah Lord Elrond!" Gimli gargled, his mouth full. " Rivendell is as beautiful as ever I see. "

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