Waking with nightmare's

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    " Sam, we'll need to keep an eye on her." "I know Jacob he hurt her badly, we'll always have someone here so if Bella calls, or shows up while you're not here we can tell you." "Thanks Sam." "Let's go." We had just walked out of the trees when Seth yelled at Jacob." She's screaming in her sleep. We can't get her to stop." I ran into my house, and found her screaming in her sleep. I whined softly. "Bella!" I called, grabbing her arm and she shot up sobbing." "Oh Bella." I gathered her into my arms and slowly she calmed down. She buried her head into my chest right under my chin causing me to hold her tighter. "Jacob I might know how the pack can be able to help her." "How Sam?" "Gather into the clearing all of you, that's an order! I'll bring Emily." "Yes, Alpha." "Surround Bella and Em it will give Bella a sense of family, and hopefully show that we will protect her like we do Em." We all went outside laying down with Bella, and Emily at the heart of the group. "Bella it's good to see you again." "Same here Emily." "Em you can call me Em." "OK." Sam, and Jacob growled. I looked up to see "Laurent!?" "Bella, I didn't expect to find you here." "Same here." "Victoria!" I froze in fear. I leaned on Jacob. He looked at me with love. Sam came up beside us in wolf form. Paul spoke up first. "She is not with the vampire's anymore he left her, and now she's imprinted to the wolf she's leaning on." Victoria snarled "Edward killed James!" Edward killed him because James tried to kill me, and at the time I didn't know I was imprinted to a wolf so please leave me, and this pack alone Laurent go to the dinalis before it's too late!" Victoria roared, launching herself at me. I fell back with a gasp. The pack knocked her out of the air, ripping her to shreds. "Bella!" I jumped. "Easy just me." "Oh sorry Paul." "Na it's fine." Laurent yelled "Move!" They moved reluctantly. He pulled out a lighter quickly lighting her aflame. We picked up pieces and threw them into the fire watching her burn. "Go Laurent go to the dinalis." He nodded then left. "Bella, are you OK my love?" "Yeah Jake I'm fine." The pack lounged around while Em, and I laid against our imprints. "Oh and Sam?" He looked at me. "Thanks." He nodded once then nuzzled Em. "Sleep Bella, you need it." I yawned, laying my head on Jake's back. He whined. "Lay down beside him Bella." I moved to his side where he curled around me helping me stay warm.

Jacob's P.O.V

Bella drifted to sleep against me. "Thanks Paul." "Yeah yeah!" "Shift sleep close to each other!" We all moved closer together blocking the air from touching their skin. I woke up first "Bella! Emily!" Sam roared. "Right here Sam." He sighed in relief. Before ordering. "Find Bella now!" "Yes Alpha." We followed her scent to Billy's. "Charlie called Bella wanting her home." "Go Jacob tell her next time wake one of us up to tell them so we know!" I nodded before I went to Charlie's, but found her scent trailing into the woods. I shifted following her scent. "She's in a clearing about five yards from you." "Thanks Paul." I found her sleeping with Paul standing guard. She whimpered and I lifted her into my arms causing her to sigh, and rolled against my chest I smiled holding her close. I walked to her truck, putting her in the seat beside me. I heard a choked whine I pulled her against me she opened her eyes nuzzling closer I drove to the reservation knowing that the pack was already settled on the clearing I laid down where we were last night. "Let's run the territory real quick." "Don't worry we'll watch her." We just got done when Paul linked us. "She's screaming again." When I got there she was sobbing I picked her up and held her against my chest she whined in her sleep. "Wake up sweetheart." She came to slowly. She was shaking hard. "Jake?" "Right here love." She buried her head against my shoulder. I sat down where we were last night. She got up and leaned against my side. I wrapped my arm around her waist holding her close to me. "Jake?" "Yeah bell's/" "Charlie wants me home tonight." "OK I'll drive you, but you can stay for a while longer." "Bella?" "Yeah Sam told me to tell you next time you leave to wake one of us up so we know alright?" I nodded. I chuckled, shaking my head.

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