
"All of the people in this castle are not awake, lifeless, but still breathing. Our breakfast today had been put some strong sleep potion."

"And..how could we.. awake?"

"Don't you realize your hair?"

Only then Youngji realize that her hair is down, and is in red.

"My hair tonic?"

"Yes, princess. Your hair tonic."

"Hahahahaahah! At last, my tonic is useful! Hahahaha!" Youngji laughs aloud.

Hongbin facepalm and let out a sigh.

"Come, we need to go," Hongbin takes her hand and drags her to the back door, locates next to the kitchen. The back door will lead them to a secret underground passage and they will be out in the Besy Forest. The others knights had explained to him about this passage right after his arrival here, just in case something unexpected happened .

"Hey! What about my parents? My sisters?" Youngji thinks about the others.

"Guard Woohyun said they won't touch the others" they now in the Besy Forest, entering deep and deep in the forest, just to escape the danger. Knight Wonshik once said to him, when something happen, escaped through the back door and ran straight to Best Forest and escaped in another end, and you will found an abounded village. He said that they can seek for shelter for a while before the situation become calm again.

"Wait? Guard Woohyun? What are you trying to say?" Youngji froze, stop their endless running.

"I know it's hard to believe, but..Guard Woohyun is a traitor! He is the one who put the sleep potion in our breakfast, the one who caused all of this to take a revenge!"

"But..he..he is so kind. How could he did this nasty thing??"

"He want to take revenge for his father's death. I'm also shocked about this.."

"But..but..." Youngji still can't digest the fact. Suddenly a loud bang along with yell sounded right behind them.

"Hurry up! They won't be far!" A lot of footsteps could be hear right behind them. "Here they are!" One of the armies spots them.

"Come on!" Hongbin grabs her hand and dragged her away as fast as possible. The ground is wet and slippery. The branches are also get in their way. But the biggest problem right now is Youngji's dress. Its hard to keep holding the dress when one of her hands is in Hongbin.

"It will calm my heart if I know my daughters with someone who can protect them... at least when I'm not here anymore, you all still with them... "

The King's speech on his first day still in his mind. The King entrusted me one of his precious diamonds, I need to take care of it with all my life!

When they walk beside the slope, Youngji accidentally slipped and she fall down the slope. She also let Hongbin's hand go. "Princess!" She could hear Hongbin's voice but she just closed her eyes when she roll down the big slope. Suddenly she feel like she is in someone embrace but she still not opens her eyes because she is scare. When they finally stop, Youngji could feel how hurt her leg is.

When she opens her eyes, Hongbin is groaning in pain. "Hongbin-shii? I'm so sorry!" Youngji quickly get up and help Hongbin to sit comfortably. His forehead is bleeding. "Why did you do this?" Youngji said as she tear some of her dress's hem and bandages his forehead to stop the bleeding.

"What kind of question is that? This is my responsibility, my King's order. How could I neglect it?" Hongbin smiles a bit while patting her hair.

Youngji tries her best to not look so red or stuttering or anything even worse by his touch.

"Sir! I think they went this way!" That voice can be heard again. They can hear the footsteps walk passed them. They tried to keep quite as they can. "Quick! Or else Prince Jackson will kill all of us!"

Prince Jackson?

That name ring in Youngji's mind. She just shrugs off and start to look at her surrounding to find any kind of leaves that can help to reduce Hongbin's pain.

"Princess! Don't walk aimlessly. Forest is a dangerous place!"

"Its okay, Hongbin-shii. I grew up in this jungle." Then she continues searching.

When Youngji gone, Hongbin just sighing as his forehead is throbbing in pain. There is a sweet yet mystery smell that he had been smelt when they first fell here. And that smell seems lingering his mind. Like something trying to control him; want to take over his body.


So, this is the second time I wrote for this chapter all over again after Wattpad just lost it right before I publish it, so screw it..

Maybe they are tons of errors here, but bear it or even better comment about it ;) i like it more. I'm a high school student with English as second language :)

Feel free to ask me any questions about this story so far if any part doesn't seem clear.

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