Relieved somewhat, Zayn let out the breath that he did not know he was holding. He nodded at the doctor.

"Right," Dr. Calvin said. "Can we get back to where we left off?"

The doctor spent the next ten minutes explaining how Zayn's leg was in good shape except for a minor tibial fracture, which for the most part had already healed but they encased it anyway till the healing process was complete. Zayn realized for the first time that the wooden casing around his leg had been replaced by a proper brace. The tissue around the bone had suffered inflammation, so Dr. Calvin prescribed him medicine for it. He then started with the usual speech of precautions and care for a broken leg.

Zayn had broken his bones enough times to know that stuff by heart, so he tuned him out. His mind strayed back to wondering where and how Bee was. There was a chance that they were both in the same building, but instead of calming down, his stomach twisted in anxious knots knowing her condition could still be very serious.

"So, I advice at least a week's rest after that," the Doctor said. "You are free to go home tomorrow."


"Alright then, I'll let you have a chance to attend to your engagements." Dr. Calvin smiled, ready to leave. 

"Engagements?" Zayn asked, frowning, "Wait. Are there people outside this room?"

Zayn started worrying his cover was blown off. He could not afford to lose it at the moment!

"Yes. Quite a number of people," the doctor replied, making Zayn panic even more, "A team of your managers -"


"Dr. Calvin," Zayn cut him, "Do not let them in. I'll sue this whole hospital if you allow those dunces to harass me. I want to be left alone right now, okay? Do not let them in!"

The doctor raised an eyebrow, obviously not impressed by Zayn's rudeness or his threats.

"Listen," Zayn continued desperately, "I really can't deal with this shit right now! Tell them, I'm losing it. That I've been through a lot and their stupid faces, ridiculous ties and hideous suits would drive me completely crazy."

There was a moment's pause in which Dr. Calvin regarded Zayn with questioning eyes.

"No need to waste your money on lawsuits, Mr. Harris." He shrugged, then gave Zayn a half smile. " I must say I'm impressed. Running such a successful company at your age, that's really something."

Not really understanding what company he was talking about, Zayn nodded as the doctor took his leave. The management must have faked another story, Zayn guessed. He must be some rich ass business man for the medical staff right now. Although he was grateful for their creative lies to keep his cover intact, Zayn still did not want to suffer by enduring their presence.



"Hey, Harris!"

"You're alive!"

Zayn's eyes jerked open when he felt someone jump on his bed while screaming in his ears.

"Oh My God!" Claire cried, "Z! It's so good to see you!"

Zayn struggled to breathe. It took him a moment to realize that he had already been tackled by Claire and Niall.

"Good to have you back, mate!" Niall beamed as he pulled back.

"Come on Z, say something," Claire cried shrilly, making Zayn wince.

Lostजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें