"What's wr-" 

"We have to leave." Niall interrupts as if he just wants to get things over with. 

I stay completely still, not knowing how to respond. Sadness as well as frustration explode inside me, trying to burst out of my body, but I try to hold them back.

"Simon told us that the tour starts in two months, which means that....we have to leave next week to get to the first state." Harry states a little sad himself. 

Silence begins to pollute the air and I feel like I'm suffocating. None of us can say anything more to each other and that's the thing that is one of the things that is killing me the most right now. Niall and Harry are both staring at me for my reaction, and I'm just staring at my hands that are placed on my lap, trying to hold back my emotions. My best friend and my crush are leaving.  

"How long i-is the t-tour?" I practically whisper. 

Niall sighs. 

"About a year El..." He replies. 

I slowly feel my heart deteriorate from sadness and I bite my lip to hold back the tears. 

"Not again." I whisper before turning my head away from them as tears release from my eyes. I can't hold back much longer.

As I hear footsteps walking towards me, I close my eyes shut. Not wanting to see any of them sad, that will just make me break down.

I flinch a little as I feel two arms wrap around me in a soft matter and a kiss being placed on my forehead. I open my watery eyes to see two baby blues staring at me with sadness and regret. Niall bends down in front of me and puts both hands on my shoulders. 

"Eli, I can't leave you again." He mutters with glossy eyes. 

"I don't want you to."  

"I don't know what to do El. I-I" 

"Why doesn't she come with us?" 

Niall and I both turn our heads to Harry as he begins to walk closer to us.

"Ya, why doesn't she just come with us?" He repeats with hopeful green eyes. 

Niall's head turns to me quickly with hope appearing in his eyes as well. I sigh. 

"I'm sorry, I can't." I reply. 

"Why?!" They both ask in unison. 

I wipe my tears and take a deep breath.

"I have to work guys. When I run out of money for food and such on the tour, what am I going to do? I don't want to depend on anyone for anything. I need to work. I'm sorry I ju-"  

"Why don't you work for us then?" Niall asks. 

I look up at him with curiosity.  

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"Well since the whole security guards thing happened, Simon fired a load of people from management. Maybe he could give you a job." He replies. 

I bite my lip and begin to think. Maybe that could work. If Simon can give me a good paying job, I could go on tour with Niall and Harry, and I won't lose touch with any of them. I feel myself smile and I nod. 

Niall smiles and Harry just smirks, obviously proud of himself for fixing the whole situation.

"But only if he has a job for me." I add. 

They both nod.  

"I'll call Simon now if you want?" Harry asks. 

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'll ask him myself later. Why don't we just go eat lunch and celebrate me being a free woman?" 

Envy (Niall Horan Fan-Fic) Book 1(IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now