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IceRose's pov

We were setting up for Gem's first birthday! The baby just smiled and laughed. She was beautiful. She loved when I talk to her. She also loved it when Zero talked to her. Right now Zero was holding her.

Zero's POV

I was holding Gem and trying to get her to say papa.

"Come on Gemmy. Say papa or daddy. Please?" I begged.

"Hahaha! Dmama!" She squealed.

"Ugh! This is hopeless! You love your mommy! Well news flash kid I love her too." I said and she giggled.

Yuki came in.

"Zero! I wanna hold her!" Yuki said.

"Aah." I said, but handed Gem over to her.

"Dada!" Squealed a little voice.

I looked behind me to see Gem holding her tiny hand out to me.

"Dada!" She squealed.

"Yes! She called me Dada! Y'all heard that?!" I yelled, happily.

"IceRose? Where do you want Gem's cake?" Kain asked.

Him and Aido were holding a large cake and IceRose smiled.

"Could you take it to the middle table?" She asked.

We were outside and the place was decorated with roses. Here was a sign draped across the top as the wind gently pulled it. It said,

                               Happy Birthday Gem!

Gem smiled at me as I held my arms out to her. She wanted me to hold her. Yuki stood her on the ground and Gem started walking kinda wobbly to me. She jumped into my arms and I started laughing. She was laughing too.

"Are we late for Gem's party?" Came a voice.

It was Takuma and Kaname. Following them was Rima And Shiki. Serien stood next to Kaname in a protective way. Gem gently tugged my hair as all eyes fell on me.

"Zero? Are you smiling?!" Aido shrieked.

"Dada! Dada smile for me and mama!" Gem squealed.

"Aww!" Everyone awed at her cute little voice.

She made a face that had me laughing. Everyone gawked at me.

"You can laugh?!" Yuki yelled.

Gem pulled me back causing me to lay on the floor. She climbed onto my stomach and started squealing when I was using my feet to move us in another direction. Aido almost stepped on me.

"Hey! Watch it bub! Don't you see I got a kid in the backseat?" I said, laughing.

I kept moving and Gem was laughing and squealing Dada. I went under the table and came out again. Ruka almost stepped on me too.

"Hey! Driving isn't a right! It's a privilege!" I said.

"Yeah! Get your own car!" Gem said.

She climbed onto my chest and started poking my cheek.

"Nooo! You can't distract the driver!" I laughed.

She put her hands over my eyes.

"Ah! I'm blind! I'm blind! Help me! I'm gonna crash!" I yelled play fully.

"Dada? I want to tell you a secret." She said, happily.

"Alright." I said.

I felt her breath on my ear and waited.

"I love you Dada." She whispered.

I smiled at the child. She smiled back and we started giggling.

"Wanna see daddy pull a prank on grandpa?" I asked.

She nodded.

I went to the phone and dialed headmaster's phone number. I cleared my throut to make it sound deeper.

"Hello? We're calling about your 20 pizzas you ordered. Would you like to pick them up or have them dropped off?" I asked.

"Wait! What pizzas? I never ordered anything!" Headmaster complained.

"Okay we'll drop them off. Bye." I said.

Me and Gem started giggling like children. Headmaster arrived.

"Hello everyone." He said, smiling.

"So headmaster? Where's the 20 pizzas you ordered?" I asked, smirking.

"Pizzas? Wait! That was you?!" Headmaster yelled.

I picked Gem up and in a flash was running.

"You'll never catch me alive!" I yelled while laughing as Gem couldn't stop.

She couldn't stop laughing.

"I'll get you!" Headmaster yelled.

"Over my dead body!" Gem said, causing me to crack up at her baby voice.

Soon we were tired of running and started the party.

How did it go? The world may never know. Until I write more.:)

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