Part 6; Shadows but Light

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As I lunged at Kuran I thought 'What am I doing?!' And I stopped before I could hurt him causing everyone to relax.

"Why? Why does everyone leave me?" I muttered, sadly.

"Am I a monster to you?!" I sent that growl a bit too loud but I didn't care.

I then grabbed one of the hair bows from the night stand and tied my hair up.

"You know? I only want to attack people if they've hurt me? That means I have a grudge on almost every vampire. Zero's an exception cause he wasn't one of you long, Kuran." I said, and if looks could kill people then I swear Kuran would have been dead.

"Zero? Do I scare you? And you Yuki? Do I scare you, too?" I asked, sadly.

"No!" They answered.

"Well? If that's that then we need to watch the switch over." Said headmaster, and I ran to get a uniform on before I went to watch the switch over.

Kaname came out first and had the entire night class following him. I heard Zero's impatient sigh and I rolled my eyes over the day class girls screaming to their beloveds. I practically gagged and gave the girls I watched the death glare to make sure they don't run to the disgusting beasts.

'Kill Kaname Kuran and you won't have to do this. The vampires would leave and you won't have to worry.' Said the voice in my head, but the voice gave a compelling case and I cou-. What am I talking about?! I'm not killing them! Who gives a fuck about what the voice has to say!

'But this is your chance to tell these humans what there beloveds are so they would fear! Are you gonna pass that up?' The voice argued.

'Yes!' I thought back.

Time Skip

It was night and I was patrolling. I wanted desperately to be in the barn with the horses but I have a job to do. Then I heard rustling in the bushes so I went to see what it was and I found Aido about to bite Yuki's palm. I then pulled out a bottle of adolescence and a lighter and pointed it at him.

"I'd stop there if I didn't want to get roasted, Hanabusa." I said, in a low growl.

"What?! Are you insanely crazy?! You're gonna burn someone!" He yelled.

"That is my intention. Now let go of Yuki or we"all see what a roasted vampire smells like." I threatened.

Then we heard a gunshot in the air and looked to see Zero pointing a gun at Aido and I said,"Yeah. Why not shoot the bloodsucker, huh Zero?" Sarcastically.

"My intention." Was all he replied.

"Zero? Will you put that gun down? It is very dangerous to us vampires." Said a voice, and to our luck it was Kaname Kuran who said it. Woo hoo. (Sarcasm)

Zero put his gun down and glared.

"Kaname!" Yuki squealed.

'How can you love a vampire, Yuki?' I thought, angrily.

"Can you point the lighter elsewhere also, Ice Rose?" Asked Kaname.

I glared but put my lighter and adolescence away.

"You have gone against the rules, Hanabusa, and now I have to punish you." Said Kaname and before Aido could reply I asked a question.

"Ahh! Can I punish Hanabusa? I can go get my jumper cables and the car engine! BRB!" I said, but before I could run off Zero grabbed my collar.

"You can't kill him, Ice Rose." He said.

"Ahh! But it's perfectly legal." I whined.

"Killing is against the law." He told me.

"It isn't when you can't find the body." I muttered, to myself.

Then Kaname smacked Aido and Aido bowed to Kaname muttering his apologies. I snickered behind Zero's back. Then we went back on patroll. I walked and then that stupid voice in my head started yakking.

'Why didn't you kill Hanabusa? You could have easily killed him and nobody'd know it was you or not. Come on! Don't play this game of ignore me cause I hate that game!' Whined the voice.

'No thanks. I think I'd rather stick to the plan. I'm not killing anybody!' I thought, back to the voice.

Then I was running. Yuki was trying to get me to talk to her but I wouldn't let her get near me. It's too dangerous! Then she caught the end of my sleeve and she froze in place as if paralyzed and passed out.

Zero's POV

I saw Yuki running after Ice Rose and I ran after them. I watched as Yuki caught Ice Rose's sleeve and she froze in place. Then she passed out. I ran over to them and scooped Yuki up in my arms.

"What happened?" I asked, looking at Ice Rose in confusion.

"Do you know if Kaname would erase Yuki's memory?" She asked, tears in her eye.

We walked up to the Moon Dorm though the Night class was in class I was determined to take Yuki to Kaname. That's when Ice Rose stopped.

"This is where I take my leave." She said.

"Hey! No way are you leaving me alone with nothing to explain about Yuki but to tell them that she needs to have her mind erased of whatever she saw! You're coming with me!" I said, and soon she had agreed, muttering her complaints.

Then Ruka, Rima, Shiki, Aido, Serein, and Kain was in the front room. They gasped when they saw Yuki and then they thought it was I who did something to her and they leapt at me with anger. But Ice Rose got in the way and they tackled her but they all froze and laid still.

Regular POV

I was soon tackled to the ground by the six aristocrats and I felt something that felt like claws tearing into my stomach and chest. I screamed out in pain and I heard Zero yelling my name and I fell to the darkness that always seemed too conker my other senses.

'That's what you get, Icy!' Said the voice.

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