Pizza & Pianos

Depuis le début

"I love you and your whimsical nature, Grace Baker." Isaac states.

"And I love your flirty-ness," I respond, taking off my gloves, tucking them into my purse.

"Then you won't mind me saying that green looks beautiful on you."

I roll my eyes, cracking a smile as Isaac cranks the car and turns the heater on. He switched the station to 90's Rock and I mindlessly hum along to Smells like Teen Spirit; one of the choices from that genre I actually know the words too.

"Nirvana eh?" Isaac grins as he pulls out of the parking lot and turns on to the road. "Never saw you as a rocker chick."

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve," I wink to myself. "Don't get too comfortable, I might surprise you."

He lets out a chuckle. "Love it." He looks at me for a brief moment before focusing back on the road. "What other music do you like?"

I shrug. "Everything, I guess. I'll listen to whatever I can get my hands on," I reply, watching as the scenery whizzes past us.

"Even rap?"

I smile. "Sometimes, I'll listen to Wiz Khalifa, or Lecrae." He nods.  "Personally, my favorites are R&B, or classical, but I can enjoy a good rock song if I want,"

"Appreciate." He says.

"Really, it's the lyrics that matter to me. So many beautiful songs, not enough time." I sigh, continuing to mouth the lyrics bursting from the radio.

"Grace Baker, you're officially too deep for words. I give up." Isaac slaps the steering wheel, making me giggle a little bit.

"What can I say?" I retreat, leaning back against the warm seat and closing my eyes, letting my fingers tap to the music. I can feel Isaac's eyes on me, making my lips curl into a small smile.


After a few missed turns and me having to use the GPS on my phone, we finally arrive at the restaurant. It's a fairly elegant place, a small fountain next to the entry doors, and beautiful stone floors, but the food isn't crazy expensive.

Cold air rushes through my ears as we enter, Isaac holding the door open for me. We step into the dark building and choose our table meant for two. I slither out of my jacket and take a seat in the chair.

"I was gonna get that for you," Isaac pouts, looking at my chair.

"I'm a woman, I can handle myself," I say playfully as he sits down, smiling as he picks up the menu.

"What to eat, what to eat, so many delicious options!" He broadcasts. "The shrimp salad looks nice, or maybe the three cheese ravioli?"

"Oh shut up, we're getting pizza." I laugh.

"Apparently I don't even have a say in things!" Isaac huffs, grinning as the waiter comes by. "One large cheese pizza please."

I practically bounce up and down in my chair with excitement, doing a small clap as the waitress walks away with our menus. "You'll thank me later." I say, gazing around the restaurant.

I spot the grand piano sitting not too far off, it's keys seeming to beg to be played.

"Grace Baker, where are you off to? Did I ruin this already?" Isaac asks as I stand up. I laugh and continue over to the piano, sliding onto the bench and lifting the key cover off.

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