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When we got to the park I ran to the swings. Riley ran after me.

"I win." I laugh and so does Riley.

"Okay you win." He says laughing.

*dino com beeps*

"Ugh Haydee-bug I gotta go." Riley says.

"Oh. Okay." I say a little sad that I couldn't hangout with my best friend like we used to.

"I'll be back Hayden. I promise."

"Ok Riley."

•Riley's P.O.V•
I felt bad about having to leave Hayden alone. I miss hanging out with her like we used to. She seemed really sad when I had to leave though.

I shake the thought from my mind as I morph.

"Dino charger ready!" Tyler yells.

"Ready!" The rest of us yell.

"Energize! Unleash the power!" We all yell.

"Alright let's make this quick because I have a promise to keep." I yell at the monster.

"Ah ah ah. I'm not gonna make this easy for for you ranger." The monster says. "I am Imperious and I will destroy you." He says.

"Well Imperious you might have a hard time destroying us!" Tyler yells.

"Haha you think you can destroy me? Ha I bet." A voice said. That's when I realized he wasn't talking about is. He was talking about who ever said that. (A/N: costume at the top. I love this costume so I had to use it.)

"Yes white ranger. I will destroy you." Imperious says.

"Give it your best shot." The white ranger says. That voice sounds familiar I just can't quite tell who it is though.

"Alright here comes the Big Bang!" The monster shot a ball of energy at her so I jumped in front of her. I demorphed and darkness took over and I was out.

•Hayden's P.O.V•
The monster Imperious shot a ball of energy at me and the green ranger blocked it. He demorphed and I was shocked at who it was. I had to help him. I had to help Riley.

"Hey! You! White ranger! Who are you?!" The red ranger yells at me.

"Nobody." I answer.

"Well 'nobody' could you help us with our friend?" The gold ranger asks.

"Yea sure." I say. "Quick question though. Where exactly are we taking him and why do you need me to help?"

"That's two questions. We're taking him back to our base and you need to help us carry him because he's like really heavy when he's knocked out cold." The pink ranger says.

"Okay so where's your base at exactly?"

"At the museum." The red ranger says.

"Who are you?" The blue ranger asks.

Why do these people seem so familiar to me?

"Will you tell us who you are?" The gold ranger asks.

"He can't know who I am." I say referring to Riley.

"Why not?" The red ranger asks.

"I don't want him to see who I am. I don't want anything to change between us." I say almost soft enough for not even myself to hear.

"How do you know something will change between the two of you if you don't know who he... Is? It can't be though. She's back at the park. Isn't she?" The red ranger says.

"What?" I ask.

"Who are you? If you show us who you are I swear we won't tell him who you are. Okay?" The pink ranger asks.

"Okay but he can't know." I say.

"Okay." The other rangers say.

"Okay." I say demorphing.

"HAYDEN!?!" They all yell.

"Yea now I'm gonna guess who each of you are." I say.

"Okay have at it. Heck and if you get it right we'll demorph right here." The black ranger says.

"Okay Chase that's obviously you in the black ranger suit makin all the jokes. Umm Tyler is red. Shelby is definitely pink. Koda your blue. Ivan gold looks great on you. And Riley is green. He saved me and now he's out cold. This is all my fault."

"Hayden this isn't your fault. He wanted to protect you. Your his Haydee-bug and he would do anything for you. Did he know that it was you? No. But if he knew it was you he would've done more then just standing in front of you. Trust me." Tyler says.

"That's why he's my best friend." I mumble.

"Aww." They say.

We pick up Riley and took him back to the museum. All this time I've spent at the museum and I've never known about the dino lair. Huh.

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